J. Thiesbrummel, F. Peña-Camargo, K. O. Brinkmann, E. Gutierrez-Partida, F. Yang, J. Warby, S. Albrecht, D. Neher, T. Riedl, H. J. Snaith, M. Stolterfoht, and F. Lang:
Understanding and Minimizing Voc Losses in All-Perovskite Tandem Photovoltaics
Adv. Energy Mater. (2022).
T. Hasselmann, B. Misimi, N. Boysen, D. Zanders, J.-L. Wree, D. Rogalla, T. Haeger, F. Zimmermann, K. O. Brinkmann, S. Schädler, D. Theirich, R. Heiderhoff, A. Devi, and T. Riedl:
Silver thin-film electrodes grown by low-temperature plasma enhanced spatial atomic layer deposition at atmospheric pressure
Adv. Mater. Technol. DOI: 10.1002/admt.2022.
P. Müller-Buschbaum and T. Riedl:
Preface: Forum on Novel Trends in Halide Perovskites for Optoelectronic Applications
ACS Applied Mater. & Interfaces 14, 34159 (2022).
A. Mayer, T. Haeger, M. Runkel, J. Staabs, J. Rond, F. van gen Hassend, P. Görrn, T. Riedl, and H.-C. Scheer:
Direct patterning of methylammonium lead bromide perovskites by thermal imprint
Appl. Phys. A 128, 399 (2022).
K. O. Brinkmann, T. Becker, F. Zimmermann, T. Gahlmann, M. Theisen, T. Haeger, S. Olthof, C. Kreusel, M. Günster, T. Maschwitz, F. Göbelsmann, C. Koch, D. Hertel, P. Caprioglio, L. Perdigon, A. Al-Ashouri, L. Merten, A. Hinderhofer, L. Gomell, S. Zhang, F. Schreiber, S. Albrecht, K. Meerholz, D. Neher, M. Stolterfoht, and T. Riedl:
Perovskite - organic tandem solar cells with indium oxide interconnect
Nature 604, 280 (2022).
L. Gomell, T. Haeger, M. Roscher, H. Bishara, R. Heiderhoff, T. Riedl, C. Scheu, and B. Gault:
Microstructure manipulation by laser-surface remelting of a full-Heusler compound to enhance thermoelectric properties
Acta Materialia 223, 117501 (2022).
L. Schmidt-Mende, T. Riedl, et al.:
Roadmap: Organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite semiconductors and devices
APL Materials 9, 109202 (2021).
A. Mayer, T. Haeger, M. Runkel, J. Rond, J. Staabs, F. van gen Hassend, A. Röttger, P. Görrn, T. Riedl, and H.-C. Scheer:
Relevance of processing parameters for grain growth of metal halide perovskites with nanoimprint
Appl. Phys. A 127, 717 (2021).
K. O. Brinkmann, T. Becker, F. Zimmermann, C. Kreusel, T. Gahlmann, T. Haeger and T. Riedl:
The Optical Origin of Near-Unity External Quantum Efficiencies in Perovskite Solar Cells
Solar RRL 5, 2100371 (2021).
T. Gahlmann, T. Tschorn, T. Maschwitz, L. Gomell, T. Haeger, G. Grötsch, R. Heiderhoff, and T. Riedl:
Bi-facial Color-Tunable Electroluminescent Devices
ACS Applied Mater. & Interfaces 13, 28514 (2021).
U. Scherf, I. Geisler, M. Forster, B. Misimi, T. Riedl, J. Schedlbauer, and J. Lupton:
Reductive coupling synthesis of a soluble poly(9,10-anthrylene ethynylene)
Organic Materials 3, 184 (2021).
A. Mayer, N. Pourdavoud, Z. Doukkali, K. O. Brinkmann, J. Rond, J. Staabs, A.-C. Swertz, F. van gen Hassend, P. Görrn, T. Riedl, and H.-C. Scheer:
Upgrading of methylammonium lead halide perovskite layers by thermal imprint
Appl. Phys. A 127, 237 (2021).
E. Gutierrez-Partida, H. Hempel, S. Caicedo-Davila, M. Raoufi, F. Pena-Camargo, M. Grischek, R. Gunder, J. Diekmann, P. Caprioglio, K. O. Brinkmann, H. Kobler, S. Albrecht, T. Riedl, A. Abate, D. Abou-Ras, T. Unold, D. Neher, and M. Stolterfoht:
Large-Grain Double Cation Perovskites with 18 μs Lifetime and High Luminescence Yield for Efficient Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells
ACS Energy Lett. 6, 1045 (2021).
H. A. Schwartz,, H. Laurenzen, A. Marzouk, M. Runkel, K. O. Brinkmann, D. Rogalla, T. Riedl, S. Ashhab, and S. Olthof
Band gap tuning in all-inorganic CsPbxSn1-xBr3 perovskites
ACS Applied Mater. & Interfaces 13, 4203 (2021).
K. O. Brinkmann, T. Becker, F. Zimmermann, C. Kreusel, T. Gahlmann, M. Theisen, T. Haeger, S. Olthof, M. Günster, T. Maschwitz, F. Göbelsmann, C. Koch, D. Hertel, P. Caprioglio, L. Perdigon, L. Merten, A. Hinderhofer, A. Al-Ashouri, L. Gomell, S. Albrecht, F. Schreiber, K. Meerholz, D. Neher, M. Stolterfoht, and T. Riedl:
No Need for Tin—Perovskite/Organic Tandem Solar Cells Approaching 24%
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA), on-site, EN05.03.01 (2021).
C. Kreusel, K. O. Brinkmann, M. Runkel, M. Theisen, D. Rogalla, S. Olthof, F. van gen Hassend, L. Merten, A. Hinderhofer, F. Schreiber, A. Röttger, and T. Riedl:
Non Corrosive Halide Exchange to Form CsPb(Br 1-xCl x) 3 from CsPbBr3 for Light Emission and Lasing
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA), on-site, EN05.03.06 (2021).
T. Haeger, M. Ketterer, R. Heiderhoff, and T. Riedl:
Thermal Properties of Large Crystalline CsPbBr 3 Perovskite Thin Films—Remarkable Behavior at Phase Transitions
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA), on-site, EN05.04.10 (2021).
K. O. Brinkmann, T. Becker, F. Zimmermann, C. Kreusel, T. Gahlmann, T. Haeger, and T. Riedl:
Optical Origin of External Quantum Efficiencies near Unity in Perovskite Solar Cells
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA), on-site, EN05.09.16 (2021).
>>>>>>>>Best Poster Award<<<<<<<<
M. Runkel, T. Haeger, H. Ping, J. Bahr, L. Merten, S. Olthof, D. Rogalla, A. Hinderhofer, R. Heiderhoff, F. Schreiber, K. Meerholz, and T. Riedl:
Room-Temperature Amplified Spontaneous Emission and Lasing of Sequentially Thermally Evaporated CsPbCl3 Perovskite Thin Films
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA), on-site, EN08.02.04 (2021).
C. Tückmantel, U. Kalita, T. Haeger, M. Theisen, U. Pfeiffer, and T. Riedl:
Self-Aligned Amorphous Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide TFTs Breaking the GHz Threshold
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA), on-site, EQ11.04.03 (2021).
F. Zimmermann, T. Gahlmann, M. Theisen, K. O. Brinkmann, C. Kreusel, and T. Riedl:
Indium Oxide Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition as Impermeable Top Electrode in Semi-Transparent Perovskite Solar Cells
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA), on-site, EQ17.02.02 (2021).
T. Riedl:
Engineering the Interfaces of Highly Efficient Perovskite/Organic Multi-Junction Solar Cells (invited)
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA), on-site, EQ17.02.03 (2021).
N. Boysen, B. Misimi, A. Muriqi, J.-L. Wree, T. Hasselmann, D. Rogalla, T. Haeger, D. Theirich, M. Nolan, T. Riedl, and A. Devi:
A carbene stabilized precursor for the spatial atomic layer deposition of copper thin films
Chem. Commun. 56, 13752 (2020).
C. Tückmantel, U. Kalita, T. Haeger, M. Theisen, U. Pfeiffer, and T. Riedl:
Amorphous Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide TFTs Patterned by Self-Aligned Photolithography Overcoming the GHz Threshold
IEEE Electron Device Lett. 41, 1786 (2020).
T. Haeger, R. Heiderhoff, and T. Riedl:
Thermal properties of metal-halide perovskites
J. Mater. Chem. C 8, 14289 (2020).
F. Peña-Camargo, P. Caprioglio, F. Zu, E. Gutierrez-Partida, C. M. Wolff, K. Brinkmann, S. Albrecht, T. Riedl, N. Koch, D. Neher, and M. Stolterfoht:
Halide segregation versus interfacial recombination in bromide-rich wide-gap perovskite solar cells
ACS Energy Lett. 5, 2728 (2020).
C. Kriso, M. Stein, T. Haeger, N. Pourdavoud, M. Gerhard, A. Rahimi-Iman, T. Riedl, and M. Koch:
Nonlinear refraction in CH3NH3PbBr3 single crystals
Optics Lett. 45, 2431 (2020).
T. Haeger, M. Ketterer, J. Bahr, N. Pourdavoud, M. Runkel, R. Heiderhoff, and T. Riedl:
Thermal properties of CsPbCl3 thin films across phase transitions
J. Phys. Mater. 3, 024004 (2020).
T. Gahlmann, K. O. Brinkmann, T. Becker, C. Tückmantel, C. Kreusel, F. van gen Hassend, S. Weber, and T. Riedl:
Impermeable charge transport layers enable aqueous processing on top of perovskite solar cells
Adv. Energy Mater. 10, 1903897 (2020).
K. O. Brinkmann, T. Gahlmann, and T. Riedl:
Atomic Layer Deposition of Functional Layers in Planar Perovskite Solar Cells
Solar RRL 4, 1900332 (2020).
T. Becker, K. Brinkmann, T. Gahlmann, F. Zimmermann, C. Kreusel, F. Göbelsmann, M. Theisen, S. Olthof, and T. Riedl:
Non-fullerene organic solar cells as low-gap sub-cells in highly efficient tandem architectures (invited)
Proc. of online nanoGe Fall Meeting 2020.
T. Haeger, M. Runkel, N. Pourdavoud, R. Heiderhoff, J. Bahr, and T. Riedl:
Room temperature amplified spontaneous emission and lasing in CsPbCl3 spontaneously formed in superlattices of PbCl2/CsCl
SPIE Optics and Photonics, Proc. Vol. 11473, 1147319 (2020).
C. Kriso, M. Stein, T. Haeger, N. Pourdavoud, M. Gerhard, A. Rahimi-Iman, T. Riedl, and M. Koch:
Nonlinear optical properties of metal halide perovskite single crystals
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, JTh2E.14 (2020).
K. O. Brinkmann, J. He, F. Schubert, J. Malerczyk, C. Kreusel, F. van gen Hassend, S. Weber, J. Song, J. Qu, and T. Riedl:
Extremely robust gas quenching deposition of halide perovskites on top of hydrophobic hole transport materials for inverted (p-i-n) solar cells by targeting the precursor wetting issue
ACS Applied Mater. & Interfaces 11, 40172 (2019).
N. Pourdavoud, T. Haeger, A. Mayer, P. J. Cegielski, A. L. Giesecke, R. Heiderhoff, S. Olthof, S. Zaefferer, I. Shutsko, A. Henkel, D. Becker-Koch, M. Stein, M. Cehovski, O. Charfi, H.-H. Johannes, D. Rogalla, M. Lemme, M. Koch, Y. Vaynzof, K. Meerholz, W. Kowalsky, H.-C. Scheer, P. Görrn, and T. Riedl:
Room Temperature Stimulated Emission and Lasing in Recrystallized Cesium Lead Bromide Perovskite Thin Films
Adv. Mater. 31, 1903717 (2019).
T. Keller, T. Gahlmann, U. Scherf, and T. Riedl:
Direct Arylation Polycondensation (DAP) Synthesis of Alternating Quaterthiophene‐Benzothiadiazole Copolymers for Organic Solar Cell Applications
ChemPlusChem 34, 1249 (2019).
T. Haeger, M. Wilmes, R. Heiderhoff, and T. Riedl:
Simultaneous Mapping of Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Diffusivity, and Volumetric Heat Capacity of Halide Perovskite Thin Films: A Novel Nanoscopic Thermal Measurement Technique
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, 3019 (2019).
S. Olthof and T. Riedl:
Metal-Oxide Interface Materials for Organic and Perovskite Solar Cells
In: World Scientific Reference of Hybrid Materials, Volume 2: Devices from Hybrid and Organic Materials, World Scientific, p. 61-104 (2019).
D. Di Carlo Rasi, P. M. J. G. van Thiel, H. Bin, K. H. Hendriks, G. H. L. Heintges, M. M. Wienk, T. Becker, Y. Li, T. Riedl and R. A. J. Janssen:
Solution-Processed Tin Oxide-PEDOT:PSS Interconnecting Layers for Efficient Inverted and Conventional Tandem Polymer Solar Cells
Solar RRL 3, 1800366 (2019).
U. Kalita, C. Tückmantel, T. Riedl, and U Pfeiffer:
Evaluation of the Beyond-fT Operation of an IGZO TFT-Based RF Self-Mixing Circuit
IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett. 29, 119 (2019).
N. Pourdavoud, T. Haeger, A. Mayer, M. Runkel, P. J. Cegielski, I. Shutsko, A. L. Giesecke, O. Charfi, R. Heiderhoff, S. Zaefferer, M. Lemme, D. Becker-Koch, Y. Vaynzof, H.-C. Scheer, W. Kowalsky, P. Görrn, and T. Riedl:
Recrystallized All-Inorganic Lead Halide Perovskite Thin-Films Show Low-Threshold Stimulated Emission and Lasing at Room Temperature
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) EN10.20.01 (2019).
K. O. Brinkmann, T. Gahlmann, J. He, C. Tückmantel, T. Becker, M. Theisen, J. Bahr, C. Kreusel, J. Song, J. Qu, and T. Riedl:
Corrosive Processing on Top of Perovskite Solar Cells Enabled by SnOx as Internal Barrier Layer
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) EN08.03.41 (2019).
K. O. Brinkmann, J. He, F. Schubert, J. Malerczyk, C. Kreusel, F. van gen Hassend, S. Weber, J. Song, J. Qu, and T. Riedl:
Inverted (p-i-n) Perovskite Solar Cells Prepared by Complex Assisted Gas Quenching on Hydrophobic Hole Transport Layers—Overcoming the De-Wetting Issues
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) EN08.02.06 (2019).
K. O. Brinkmann, T. Gahlmann, J. He, C. Tückmantel, M. Theisen, T. Becker, J. Bahr, J. Song, J. Qu, and T. Riedl:
Intrinsic ALD Barriers Enable Processing on Top of Perovskite Solar Cells from Environmentally Friendly Solvents
Proceedings of nanoGe Fall Meeting 19 (NGFM19), Berlin (Germany) (2019).
K. O. Brinkmann, J. He, F. Schubert, J. Malerczyk, C. Kreusel, F. van gen Hassend, S. Weber, J. Song, J. Qu, and T. Riedl:
Robust gas-quenching deposition of halide perovskites by using NMP as complexing agent to overcome the de-wetting issue
nanoGe Fall Meeting 19 (NGFM19), Berlin (Germany) (2019).
T. Gahlmann, K. O. Brinkmann, C. Tückmantel, T. Becker, J. He, J. Bahr, C. Kreusel, and T. Riedl:
Aqueous processing of Ag-nanowire electrodes on top of semi-transparent perovskite solar cells
SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego (USA), 110940D (2019).
E. Shkura, D. Theirich, K. Brinkmann, T. Haeger, J. Schneidewind, M. Siebert, and T. Riedl:
Atomic Layer Etching at Atmospheric Pressure
19th Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, Seattle (USA) ALE2-TuM16 (2019).
T. Hasselmann, N. Boysen, D. Theirich, A. Devi, and T. Riedl:
Plasma Enhanced Spatial ALD of Silver Thin Films at Atmospheric Pressure
19th Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, Seattle (USA) AM1-WeM2 (2019).
N. Boysen, T. Hasselmann, D. Theirich, T. Riedl, and A. Devi:
A New Carbene Based Silver Precursor Applied in APP-ALD Yielding Conductive and Transparent Ag Films: A Promising Precursor Class for Ag Metal ALD
19th Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, Seattle (USA) AF2-MoA5 (2019).
T. Riedl:
Atomic Layer Deposition Enables Stability in Perovskite Solar Cells (invited)
12th International Summit on Organic and Hybrid Photovoltaics Stability (ISOS), Karlsruhe (Germany) (2019).
T. Riedl:
Impermeable charge transport layers for stable perovskite solar cells (invited)
E-MRS Spring Meeting, Nice (France), B 8.1. (2019).
T. Riedl:
Optical Gain and Lasing in Hybrid Lead-Halide Perovskites (invited)
3rd Frontiers of Organic Semiconductor Lasers, Brisbane (Australia), (2019).
V. S. Mothika, A. Räupke, K. Brinkmann, T. Riedl, G. Brunklaus, and U. Scherf:
Nanometer-Thick Conjugated Microporous Polymer Films for Selective and Sensitive Vapor-Phase TNT Detection
ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 1, 6483 (2018).
N. Boysen, T. Hasselmann, S. Karle, D. Rogalla, D. Theirich, M. Winter, T. Riedl, and A. Devi:
A N-heterocyclic carbene-based silver precursor for atmospheric pressure plasma enhanced spatial atomic layer deposition of silver thin films
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57, 16224 (2018).
U. Hörmann, S. Zeiske, F. Piersimoni, L. Hoffmann, R. Schlesinger, N. Koch, T. Riedl, D. Andrienko, and D. Neher:
Stark Effect of Hybrid Charge Transfer States at Planar ZnO/Organic Interfaces
Phys. Rev. B 98, 155312 (2018).
Y. Forov, M. Paulus, S. Dogan, P. Salmen, C. Weis, T. Gahlmann, A. Behrendt, C. Albers, M. Elbers, W. Schnettger, S. Egger, E. Zwar, H. Rehage, I. Kiesel, T. Riedl, and M. Tolan:
The adsorption behavior of lysozyme at titanium oxide-water interfaces
Langmuir 34, 5403 (2018).
T. Becker, S. Trost, A. Behrendt, I. Shutsko, A. Polywka, P. Görrn, P. Reckers, C. Das, T. Mayer, D. Di Carlo Rasi, K. H. Hendriks, M. M. Wienk, R. A. J. Janssen, and T. Riedl:
All-Oxide MoOx/SnOx Charge Recombination Interconnects for Inverted Organic Tandem Solar Cells
Adv. Energy Mater. 8, 1702533 (2018).
L. Hoffmann, K. O. Brinkmann, J. Malerczyk, D. Rogalla, T. Becker, D. Theirich, I. Shutsko, P. Görrn, and T. Riedl:
Spatial Atmospheric Pressure Atomic Layer Deposition of Tin Oxide as Impermeable Electron Extraction Layer for Perovskite Solar Cells with Enhanced Thermal Stability
ACS Applied Mater. & Interfaces 10, 6006 (2018).
N. Pourdavoud, A. Mayer, M. Buchmüller, K. Brinkmann, T. Häger, T. Hu, R. Heiderhoff, I. Shutsko, P. Görrn, Y. Chen, H.-C. Scheer, and T. Riedl:
Distributed Feedback Lasers Based on MAPbBr3
Adv. Mater. Technol. 3, 1700253 (2018).
T. Riedl:
Metal Oxide-Based Charge Extraction and Recombination Layers for Organic Solar Cells
In: The Future of Semiconductor Oxides in Next-Generation Solar Cells, Elsevier, p. 159-181 (2018).
L. Hoffmann, D. Theirich, D. Schlamm, T. Hasselmann, S. Pack, K. O. Brinkmann, D. Rogalla, S. Peters, A. Räupke, H. Gargouri, and T. Riedl :
Atmospheric pressure plasma enhanced spatial ALD of SnOx as conductive gas diffusion barrier
J. Vac. Sci. & Technol. A 36, 1, 01A112 (2018).
T. Becker, T. Gahlmann, N. Köhler, F. Zimmermann, F. Göbelsmann, K. O. Brinkmann, and T. Riedl:
Suppressing the photo-induced degradation of inverted non-fullerene organic solar cells
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA), EP05.03.50 (2018).
T. Haeger, M. Wilmes, R. Heiderhoff, and T. Riedl:
Mapping the low thermal conductivity of lead-halide based perovskite films with high spatial resolution
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA), TP05.11.02 (2018).
T. Hasselmann, N. Boysen, D. Theirich, S. Olthof, A. Devi, K. Meerholz, and T. Riedl:
Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Enhanced Spatial ALD of Silver from a New Halogen-Free Precursor
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA), PM03.09.04 (2018).
U. Kalita, C. Tückmantel, P. Hilger, T. Schulz, T. Riedl, U. Pfeiffer:
RF Characterization and De-Embedding of Parasitic Device Interconnects in a Metal-Oxide TFT Technology
European Microwave Week 2018, Madrid (Spain), EuMC37-5 (2018).
S. Olthof, K. Brinkmann, T. Hu, K. Meerholz, T. Riedl:
Metal Oxide Layers in Perovskite Solar Cells: a Double-Edged Sword (invited)
nanoGe Fall Meeting, Torremolinos (Spain), S5.6-O3 (2018).
E. G. Jeong, T. Hasselmann, T. Riedl, and K. C. Choi:
ALD-based Stress Optimized Washable Encapsulation Barrier with a Multi-functional Capping Layer for Wearable Organic Devices (Best Poster Award)
E-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw (Poland), N.P.3 (2018).
L. Hoffmann, K. Brinkmann, T. Hasselmann, J. Malerczyk, T. Becker, D. Theirich, I. Shutsko, P. Görrn, T. Riedl:
Atmospheric pressure spatial ALD of SnOx for perovskite solar cells (invited)
E-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw (Poland), N.6b.4 (2018).
N. Pourdavoud, A. Mayer, T. Haeger, R. Heiderhoff, I. Shutsko, H.-C. Scheer, P. Görrn, and T. Riedl:
Ultra-smooth perovskite thin films for lasers (invited)
SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego (USA), 107240C (2018).
T. Riedl:
Transparent Materials for Perovskite (Opto-)electronics (invited)
8th Forum on New Materials - CIMTEC 2018, Perugia (Italy), FJ-3:IL05 (2018)
T. Meister, C. Tückmantel, M. Theisen, U. Pfeiffer, T. Riedl, et al.:
Program FFlexCom - High frequency flexible bendable electronics for wireless communication systems
2017 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Antennas, Communications and Electronic Systems (COMCAS) DOI: 10.1109/COMCAS.2017.8244733.
R. Heiderhoff, T. Haeger, N. Pourdavoud, T. Hu, M. Al-Khafaji, A. Mayer, Y. Chen, H.-C. Scheer, and T. Riedl:
Thermal Conductivity of Methylammonium Lead Halide Perovskite Single Crystals and Thin Films – A Comparative Study
J. Phys. Chem. C 121, 28306 (2017).
A. Mayer, M. Buchmüller, S. Wang, C. Steinberg, M. Papenheim, H.-C. Scheer, N. Pourdavoud, T. Haeger, and T. Riedl:
Thermal nanoimprint to improve the morphology of MAPbX3
J. Vac. Sci. & Technol. B 35, 06G803 (2017).
R. Heiderhoff, T. Haeger, K. Dawada, and T. Riedl:
From diffusive in-plane to ballistic out-of-plane heat transport in thin non-crystalline films
Microelectron. Reliability 76-77, 222 (2017).
T. Hu, T. Becker, N. Pourdavoud, J. Zhao, K. Brinkmann, R. Heiderhoff, T. Gahlmann, Z. Huang, S. Olthof, K. Meerholz, D. Többens, B. Cheng, Y. Chen, and T. Riedl:
Indium-Free Perovskite Solar Cells Enabled by Impermeable Tin-Oxide Electron Extraction Layers
Adv. Mater. 29, 1606656 (2017).
J. Zhao, K. Brinkmann, T. Hu, N. Pourdavoud, T. Becker, T. Gahlmann, R. Heiderhoff, A. Polywka, P. Görrn, Y. Chen, B. Cheng, and T. Riedl:
Self-Encapsulating Thermostable and Air-Resilient Semitransparent Perovskite Solar Cells
Adv. Energy Mater. 7, 1602599 (2017).
K. Yuan, X. Zhuang, T. Hu, L. Shi, S. Sfaelou, U. Polnick, M. Forster, T. Pichler, T. Riedl, Y. Chen, X. Feng, and U. Scherf:
2D-Heterostructures Derived from MoS2-Templated, Cobalt-Containing Conjugated Microporous Polymer Sandwiches for Oxygen Reduction Reaction and Electrochemical Energy Storage
ChemElectroChem 4, 709 (2017).
L. Hoffmann, D. Theirich, S. Pack, F. Kocak, D. Schlamm, T. Hasselmann, H. Fahl, A. Räupke, H. Gargouri, and T. Riedl:
Gas Diffusion Barriers Prepared by Spatial Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Enhanced ALD
ACS Applied Mater. & Interfaces 9, 4171 (2017).
N. Pourdavoud, S. Wang, A. Mayer, T. Hu, Y. Chen, A. Marianovich, W. Kowalsky, R. Heiderhoff, H.-C. Scheer, and T. Riedl:
Photonic Nanostructures Patterned by Thermal Nanoimprint Directly into Organo-Metal Halide Perovskites
Adv. Mater. 29, 1605003 (2017).
K. Brinkmann, J. Zhao, N. Pourdavoud, T. Becker, T. Hu, S. Olthof, K. Meerholz, L. Hoffmann, T. Gahlmann, R. Heiderhoff, M. F. Oszajca, N. A. Luechinger, D. Rogalla, Y. Chen, B. Cheng, and T. Riedl:
Suppressed decomposition of organo-metal halide perovskites by impermeable electron extraction layers in inverted solar cells
Nature Communications 7, 13938 (2017).
K. Yuan, T. Hu, Y. Xu, R. Graf, L. Shi, M. Forster, T. Pichler, T. Riedl, Y. Chen and U. Scherf:
Nitrogen-doped porous carbon/graphene nanosheets derived from two-dimensional conjugated microporous polymer sandwiches with promising capacitive performance
Mater. Chem. Front. 1, 278 (2017).
K. O. Brinkmann, J. Zhao, T. Hu, N. Pourdavoud, T. Gahlmann, R. Heiderhoff, S. Olthof, K. Meerholz, A. Polywka, B. Cheng, Y Chen, P. Görrn and T. Riedl:
Self-Encapsulating Air-Resilent Semitransparent Perovskite Solar Cells with Superior Thermal Stability Beyond 2000h
MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix (USA) ES1.2.10 (2017).
N. Pourdavoud, A. Mayer, S. Wang, T. Hu, J. Zhou, K. Brinkmann, R. Heiderhoff, A. Marianowich, H.-C. Scheer, T. Riedl:
Photonic nanopatterns in organo-metal halide perovskites by thermal nanoimprint lithography (invited)
SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego (USA) 10363-32 (2017).
K. O. Brinkmann, J. Zhao, T. Hu, T. Becker, N. Pourdavoud, S. Olthof, K. Meerholz, L. Hoffmann, T. Gahlmann, R. Heiderhoff, M. Oszajca, D. Rogalla, N. A. Lüchinger, Y. Chen, B. Cheng, T. Riedl:
Pushing the lifetime of perovskite solar cell beyond 4500 h by the use of impermeable tin oxide electron extraction layers
SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego (USA) 10363-32 (2017).
N. Pourdavoud, A. Mayer, S. Wang ,M. Buchmüller, K. Brinkmann, T. Haeger, T. Hu, R. Heiderhoff, A. Marianovich, I. Shutsko, P. Görrn,Y. Chen, W. Kowalsky, H.-C. Scheer, T. Riedl:
Low-threshold Distributed Feedback Lasers Prepared By Direct Thermal Nanoimprint Of Resonator Gratings Into Organo-metal Halide Perovskites (Nature Photonics Best Student Paper Award)
Photonics @ SG, Singapore (Singapore) 3-1D-5 (2017).
R. Heiderhoff, T. Haeger, K. Dawada, and T. Riedl:
SThM of disparate anisotropic heat transports in thin non-crystalline films
E-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw (Poland) B08.4 (2017).
N. Pourdavoud, A. Mayer, R. Heiderhoff, H.C. Scheer, T. Riedl:
NIR Lasing in Hybrid Metal-Halide Perovskites (invited)
E-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw (Poland) R02.1 (2017).
L. Hoffmann, K. O. Brinkmann, J. Zhao, T. Hu, D. Schlamm, J. Malerczyk, T. Becker, D. Theirich, S. Olthof, K. Meerholz, H. Gargouri, Y. Chen, B. Cheng, T. Riedl:
ALD-Tin Oxide as Impermeable Electron Extraction Layers for Temperature Stable Roll-Ro-Roll-Compatible Perovskite Solar Cells
17th Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, Denver (USA) AA1-TuA-11 (2017).
K. O. Brinkmann, T. Hu, T. Becker, N. Pourdavoud, J. Zhao, R. Heiderhoff, T. Gahlmann, Z. Huang, S. Olthof, K. Meerholz, D. Többens, B. Cheng, Y. Chen, T. Riedl:
Interface Electronic Structure of ALD-Grown SnOx and MAPbI3 in In-Free Perovskite Solar Cell
10th International Summit on Stability of Organic and Perovskite Solar Cells (ISOS-10), (Malta) ID13 (2017).
K. O. Brinkmann, L. Hoffmann, J. Malerczyk, T. Becker, D. Theirich, T. Riedl:
Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition of Impermeable Tin Oxide Electron Extraction Layers - Towards Roll-To-Roll manufacturing of Temperature Stable Perovskite Solar Cells
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) ES01.03.20 (2017).
N. Pourdavoud, A. Mayer, M. Buchmüller, K. Brinkmann, T. Häger, T. Hu, R. Heiderhoff, I. Shutsko, P. Görrn, Y. Chen, H.-C. Scheer, and T. Riedl:
Low-Threshold Distributed Feedback Lasers Based on Thermally Imprinted MAPbBr3
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) ES01.12.09 (2017).
T. Riedl:
Organo-Metal Halide Perovskites – ‘Novel’ Semiconductors for Optoelectronic Applications (invited)
Resource Chemistry Workshop, Shanghai (China), 17 (2017).
K. Brinkmann, N. Pourdavoud, T. Becker, T. Hu, J. Zhao, Y. Chen, S. Olthof, K. Meerholz, L. Hoffmann, T. Gahlmann, R. Heiderhoff, M. Oszajca, N. Luechinger, and T. Riedl:
Suppressed Decomposition of Organo-Metal Halide Perovskites by Impermeable Electron Extraction Layers in Inverted Solar Cells (Best Poster Award Winner)
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) ES3.9.09 (2016).
N. Pourdavoud, S. Wang, A. Mayer, T. Hu, Y. Chen, R. Heiderhoff, H.-C. Scheer, and T. Riedl:
Low-Threshold Perovskite Distributed Feedback Lasers Based on the Direct Thermal Nanoimprint of Two-Dimensional Photonic Gratings into Methyl-Ammonium Iodide (Best Poster Award Nomination)
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) NM4.5.10 (2016).
N. Pourdavoud and T. Riedl:
Losses, gain, and lasing in organic and perovskite active materials (Invited)
Proc. SPIE 9941, 99411G (2016).
A. Behrendt, T. Becker, S. Trost, T. Gahlmann, and T. Riedl:
Transparent and Conductive Thin-Film Permeation Barriers - Towards Self-Encapsulating Organic Opto-Electronics (Invited)
16th Int. Meeting Inf. Display (IMID 2016), A57-4, Jeju (Korea) (2016).
L. Hoffmann, D. Theirich, A. Räupke, D. Schlamm, S. Pack, T. Hasselmann, H. Fahl, and T. Riedl:
Conductive SnOx gas diffusion barriers deposited by spatial plasma enhanced ALD
16th Intl. Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD), Dublin, Ireland (2016).
D. Theirich, L. Hoffmann, D. Schlamm, S. Pack, and T. Riedl:
Spatial ALD of oxides at atmospheric pressure with H2O, O3 and O2 Plasma: A comparative study
16th Intl. Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD), Dublin, Ireland (2016).
A. Makris, T. Haeger, R. Heiderhoff, and T. Riedl:
From diffusive to ballistic Stefan-Boltzmann heat transport in thin non-crystalline films
RSC Advances 6, 94193 (2016).
A. Polywka, L. Stegers, O. Krauledat, T. Riedl, T. Jakob, and P. Görrn:
Controlled Cracking of Thin Films for Realizing Stretchable Electronics
Nanomaterials 6, 168 (2016).
K. Zilberberg and T. Riedl:
Metal-Nanostructures – A Modern and Powerful Platform to Create Transparent Electrodes for Thin-Film Photovoltaics
J. Mater. Chem. A 4, 14481 (2016).
A. Räupke, A. Palma-Cando, E. Shkura, P. Teckhausen, A. Polywka, P. Görrn, U. Scherf, and T. Riedl:
Highly sensitive gas-phase explosive detection by luminescent microporous polymer networks
Sci. Rep. 6, 29118 (2016).
S. Trost, T. Becker, A. Polywka, P. Görrn, M. F. Oszajca, N. A. Lüchinger, D. Rogalla, M. Weidner, P. Reckers, T. Mayer, and T. Riedl:
Avoiding photo-induced shunts in organic solar cells by the use of tin oxide (SnOx) as electron extraction material instead of ZnO
Adv. Energy Mater. 6, 1600347 (2016).
A. Behrendt, J. Meyer, P. van de Weijer, T. Gahlmann, R. Heiderhoff, T. Riedl:
Stress Management in Thin-Film Gas-Permeation Barriers
ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 8, 4056 (2016).
R. Heiderhoff, A. Makris, and T. Riedl:
Thermal Microscopy of Electronic Materials
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 43, 163 (2016).
L. Hoffmann, D. Theirich, T. Hasselmann, A. Räupke, D. Schlamm, and T. Riedl:
Gas Permeation Barriers Deposited by Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Enhanced ALD
J. Vac. Sci. & Technol. A 34, 01A114 (2016).
J. Emara, T. Schnier, N. Pourdavoud, T. Riedl, K. Meerholz, and S. Olthof:
Impact of Film Stoichiometry on the Ionization Energy and Electronic Structure of CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite
Adv. Mater. 28, 553 (2016).
T. Becker, S. Trost, A. Behrendt, P. Reckers, T. Mayer, D. Di Carlo Rasi, M. M. Wienk, R. A. J. Janssen, and T. Riedl:
All-oxide interconnects for inverted organic tandem solar cells
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) AA1.09 (2015).
S. Trost, A. Behrendt, T. Becker, A. Polywka, P. Görrn, and T. Riedl:
Tin oxide (SnOx) as universal “light-soaking” free electron extraction material for organic solar cells
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) AA8.10 (2015).
L. Hoffmann, D. Theirich, T. Hasselmann, D. Schlamm, A. Räupke, and T. Riedl:
Gas Permeation Barriers Prepared by Spatial Plasma Enhanced ALD at Atmospheric Pressure
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) BB3.11 (2015).
A. Makris, T. Haeger, R. Heiderhoff, and T. Riedl:
Diffusive to Ballistic Dynamic Out-of-Plane Heat Transport in Thin Films
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) II2.03 (2015).
T. Riedl:
Future Prospects of Organic and Perovskite Based Solid-State-Lasers (Invited)
20th Microoptics Conference (MOC '15), Fukuoka, Japan (2015)
K. Yuan, Y. Xu, J. Uihlein, G. Brunklaus, L. Shi, R. Heiderhoff, M. Que, M. Forster, T. Chassé, T. Pichler, T. Riedl, Y. Chen, and U. Scherf:
Straightforward Generation of Pillared, Microporous Graphene Frameworks for Use in Supercapacitors
Adv. Mater. 27, 6714 (2015)
A. Behrendt, C. Friedenberger, T. Gahlmann, S. Trost, T. Becker, K. Zilberberg, A. Polywka, P. Görrn, and T. Riedl:
Highly robust transparent and conductive gas diffusion barriers based on tin oxide
Adv. Mater. 27, 5961 (2015).
S. Trost, A. Behrendt, T. Becker, A. Polywka, P. Görrn and T. Riedl:
Tin oxide (SnOx) as universal "light-soaking" free electron extraction material for organic solar cells
Adv. Energy Mater. 5, 1500277 (2015).
T. Jakob, A. Polywka, L. Stegers, E. Akdeniz, S. Kropp, M. Frorath, S. Trost, T. Schneider, T. Riedl, and P. Görrn:
Transfer Printing of Electrodes for Organic Devices - Nanoscale Versus Macroscale Continuity
Appl. Phys. A 120, 503 (2015).
A. Polywka, T. Jakob, L. Stegers, T. Riedl, and P. Görrn:
Facile preparation of high-performance elastically stretchable interconnects
Adv. Mater. 27, 3755 (2015).
P. Reckers, M. Dimamay, J. Klett, S. Trost, K. Zilberberg, T. Riedl, B. Parkinson, J. Brötz, W. Jaegermann, and T. Mayer:
Deep and shallow TiO2 gap states on cleaved anatase single crystal (101) surfaces, nanocrystalline anatase films, and ALD titania ante and post annealing
J. Phys. Chem C 119, 9890 (2015).
S. Trost, T. Becker, K. Zilberberg, A. Behrendt, A. Polywka, R. Heiderhoff, P. Görrn and T. Riedl:
Plasmonically sensitized metal-oxide electron extraction layers for organic solar cells
Sci. Rep. 5, 7765 (2015).
A. Behrendt, T. Gahlmann, S. Trost, A. Polywka, P. Görrn, and T. Riedl:
Transparent conductive thin-film encapsulation layers
Proc. SPIE 9567, 95671C (2015).
L. Hoffmann, D. Theirich, T. Hasselmann, D. Schlamm, A. Räupke, T. Riedl:
Gas Permeation Barriers Deposited by Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Enhanced ALD
15th Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, Portland (USA), 223 (2015).
S. Trost, P. Reckers, T. Mayer, T. Becker, K. Zilberberg, A. Behrendt, A. Polywka, P. Görrn, R. Heiderhoff, and T. Riedl:
Overcoming the "light-soaking" issue in organic solar cells
SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego (USA), 9567-70 (2015).
T. Riedl:
Transparent Conductive Electrodes for Organic Optoelectronics (Invited)
E-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw (Poland), G 10.1 (2015).
T. Riedl:
Charge transport at interfaces in organic and perovskite solar cells (Invited)
ICTP summer school, Khiva, Uzbekistan (2015).
T. Riedl:
Overcoming Losses in Organic Lasers (Invited)
European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - EQEC, Munich, Germany, CE 8.1 (2015).
N. Pourdavoud, K.-J. Kass, U. Scherf, A. Polywka, P. Görrn, R. Heiderhoff, T. Riedl:
Structure formation and light emitting properties of organometal halide perovskites prepared by sequential deposition
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) W3.02 (2014).
A. Räupke, F. Albrecht, J. Maibach, A. Behrendt, A. Polywka, R. Heiderhoff, J. Helzel, T. Rabe, H. H. Johannes, W. Kowalsky, E. Mankel, T. Mayer, P. Görrn, and T. Riedl (Invited):
Highly Luminescent Monolayers Prepared by Molecular Layer Deposition
Presented at ECS226 Fall Meeting, Cancun (Mexico)
ECS Transactions 64, 97 (2014).
M. Kraft, S. Adamczyk, A. Polywka, K. Zilberberg, C. Weijtens, J. Meyer, P. Görrn, T. Riedl, and U. Scherf:
Polyanionic, Alkylthiosulfate-based Thiol Precursors for Conjugated Polymer Self-Assembly onto Gold and Silver
ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 6, 11758 (2014).
M. Fakhri, M. Theisen, A. Behrendt, P. Görrn, and T. Riedl:
Top-gate zinc tin oxide thin-film transistors with high bias and environmental stress stability
Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 251603 (2014).
K. Zilberberg, F. Gasse, R. Pagui, A. Polywka, A. Behrendt, S. Trost, R. Heiderhoff, P. Görrn, and T. Riedl:
Highly robust Indium-free transparent conductive electrodes based on composites of silver nanowires and conductive metal oxides
Adv. Funct. Mater. 24, 1671 (2014).
A. Polywka, A. Vereshchaeva, T. Riedl, and P. Görrn:
Manipulating the Morphology of Silver Nanoparticles with Local Plasmon Mediated Control
Part. & Part. Syst. Charact. 31, 342 (2014) .
A. Räupke, F. Albrecht, J. Maibach, A. Behrendt, A. Polywka, R. Heiderhoff, J. Helzel, T. Rabe, H.-H. Johannes, W. Kowalsky, E. Mankel, T. Mayer, P. Görrn, and T. Riedl:
Conformal and highly luminescent monolayers of Alq3 prepared by gas phase molecular layer deposition
ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 6, 1193 (2014).
A. Behrendt, C. Friedenberger, T. Gahlmann, S. Trost, A. Polywka, P. Görrn, T. Riedl:
Transparent conductive gas diffusion barriers
25th Eur. Symp. on Reliability of Electr. Dev. and Failure Analysis, Berlin (Germany), Tue-C-13:50 (2014).
S. Trost, K. Zilberberg, A. Behrendt, A. Polywka, P. Görrn and T. Riedl:
Plasmonically sensitized electron extraction layers for inverted organic solar cells
XXIII Int. Materials Research Congress, Cancun (Mexico) (2014).
A. Räupke, F. Albrecht, D. Theirich, H.-H. Johannes, T. Riedl:
Luminescent sensors based on monolayers of Alq3 and Znq2 prepared by molecular layer deposition
10th Int. Conf. on Electroluminescence and Optoelectronic Devices (ICEL-10), Cologne (Germany), P-1.407 (2014).
N. Pourdavoud, K.-J. Kass, U. Scherf, A. Polywka, P. Görrn, R. Heiderhoff, T. Riedl:
Intense luminescence of mixed organometal halide perovskite nano-crystals prepared in a sequential process
10th Int. Conf. on Electroluminescence and Optoelectronic Devices (ICEL-10), Cologne (Germany), P-2.402 (2014).
S. Döring, T. Riedl, T. Rabe, and W. Kowalsky:
Determination of Triplet Excitons in Organic Semiconductor Materials
MRS Proceedings, Volume 1629 (2014).
T. Riedl:
Metal-Oxide Thin-Films for Organic Electronic Devices (Invited Talk)
13th European Vacuum Conference, Aveiro (Portugal), IT280 (2014).
T. Riedl:
Optical Gain and Losses in Organic Lasers (Invited Talk)
SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels (Belgium), 9137-11 (2014).
T. Riedl:
Solution Processed Metal-Oxides for Organic Electronics (Invited Talk)
E-MRS Spring Meeting, Lille (France), I 6.01 (2014).
U. Scherf and T. Riedl:
Towards CW Operation of Organic Solid State Lasers (Invited Talk)
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) Q3.06 (2013).
A. Behrendt, T. Gahlmann, M. Fakhri, S. Trost, K. Zilberberg, and T. Riedl:
Highly robust transparent conductive gas diffusion barriers based on tin oxide prepared by low-temperature atomic layer deposition
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) M1.06 (2013).
R. Heiderhoff, H. Li, and T. Riedl:
Dynamic Near-Field Scanning Thermal Microscopy on Thin Films
Microelectron. Reliab. 53, 1413 (2013).
K. Zilberberg, J. Meyer, and T. Riedl:
Solution Processed Metal-Oxides for Organic Electronic Devices
J. Mater. Chem. C 1, 4796 (2013).
S. Trost, K. Zilberberg, A. Behrendt, A. Polywka, P. Görrn, P. Reckers, J. Maibach, T. Mayer, T. Riedl:
Overcoming the “light-soaking” issue in inverted organic solar cells by the use of Al:ZnO electron extraction layers
Adv. Energy Mater. 3, 1437 (2013).
S. Kowalski, S. Allard, K. Zilberberg, T. Riedl, and U. Scherf
Direct arylation polycondensation as simplified alternative for the synthesis of conjugated (co)polymers
Prog. Polymer Sci. 38, 1805 (2013).
J. Meyer, P. Görrn, and T. Riedl:
Transparent OLED Displays
in Organic light- emitting diodes (OLEDs), A. Buckley ed., Woodhead Publishing, Oxford (UK) (2013).
D. Theirich, R. Müller, K. Zilberberg, S. Trost, A. Behrendt, and T. Riedl:
Atmospheric Pressure Plasma ALD of Titanium Oxide
Chem. Vap. Dep. 19, 167 (2013).
M. Fakhri, N. Babin, A. Behrendt, T. Jakob, P. Görrn, and T. Riedl:
Facile encapsulation of oxide based thin film transistors by atomic layer deposition based on ozone
Adv. Mater. 25, 2821 (2013).
K. Zilberberg, A. Behrendt, M. Kraft, U. Scherf, and T. Riedl:
Ultrathin interlayers of a conjugated polyelectrolyte for low work-function cathodes in efficient inverted organic solar cells
Org. Electron. 14, 951 (2013).
M. Fakhri, N. Babin, A. Behrendt, T. Jakob, P. Görrn, T. Riedl:
Facile encapsulation of oxide based thin film transistors by atomic layer deposition based on ozone (Talk)
International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies - ICMAT, Singapore, (2013).
K. Zilberberg, F. Gasse, R. Pagui, A. Polywka, A. Behrendt, S. Trost, R. Heiderhoff, P. Görrn and T. Riedl
Hybrid Transparent Conductive Electrodes (Invited Talk)
2013 JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia, 18a-M1-1, Kyoto (2013)
M. Fakhri, P. Görrn, T. Riedl
Stability and Encapsulation of Metal-oxide based TFTs (Invited Talk)
20th International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices - AM-FPD13, Kyoto (2013)
A. Polywka, T. Jakob, T. Riedl, P. Görrn
Adhesion Control for Patterning Electrodes on Elastomeric Substrates (Talk)
Int. Symposium Flexible Electronics, Erlangen (2013).
A. Polywka, T. Jakob, T. Riedl, P. Görrn
Stretchable Silver Electrodes Deposited from the Liquid Phase (Poster).
Int. Symposium Flexible Electronics, Erlangen (2013).
D. Theirich, R. Müller, K. Zilberberg, S. Trost, A. Behrendt, and T. Riedl:
Atmospheric pressure plasma ALD of TiOx for organic solar cells
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) WW1.06 (2012).
K. Zilberberg, F. Gasse, A. Behrendt, S Trost, R. Heiderhoff, and T. Riedl:
A hybrid approach for highly conductive and transparent coatings based on composites of silver nanowires and conductive metal oxides
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) F1.05 (2012).
M. Fakhri, H. Johann, P. Görrn, and T. Riedl:
Water-related instability of zinc-tin-oxide thin film transistors
TCM 2012 4th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials, Crete (Greece) (2012)
M. Fakhri, H. Johann, P. Görrn, and T. Riedl:
Water as origin of hysteresis in zinc tin oxide thin-film transistors
ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 4, 4453 (2012).
S. Trost, K. Zilberberg, A. Behrendt, and T. Riedl:
Room-temperature solution processed SnOx as electron extraction layer
for inverted organic solar cells with superior thermal stability
J. Mater. Chem. 22, 16224 (2012).
A. Räupke, D. Theirich, F. Albrecht, H.-H. Johannes, T. Rabe, W. Kowalsky, and T. Riedl:
Highly fluorescent monolayers of Alq3 prepared by molecular layer deposition
12th Intl. Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD 2012), Dresden (Germany) (2012).
H. Marciniak, M. Teicher, U. Scherf, S. Trost, T. Riedl, M. Lehnhardt, T. Rabe, W. Kowalsky, and S. Lochbrunner:
Photoexcitation dynamics in polyfluorene-based thin films: Energy transfer and amplified spontaneous emission
Phys. Rev. B 85, 214204 (2012).
J. Meyer, S. Hamwi, M. Kröger, W. Kowalsky, T. Riedl, and A. Kahn:
Transition Metal Oxides for Organic Electronics: Energetics, Device Physics and Applications
Adv. Mater. 24, 5408 (2012).
K.Zilberberg, H. Gharbi, A. Behrendt, S. Trost, and T. Riedl:
Low-temperature solution processed MoOx for efficient and stable organic solar cells
ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 4, 1164 (2012).
A. Lange, H. Flügge, B. Fischer, H. Schmidt, M. Wegener, A. Wedel, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Optoelectronic Devices Based on Ultra-Violet Light Sensitive PVK:PCBM Layers
Synth. Met. 162, 522 (2012).
S. Trost, K. Zilberberg, A. Behrendt, and T. Riedl:
Room-temperature solution processed SnOx as electron extraction layer for inverted organic solar cells with improved thermal stability.
E-MRS Spring Meeting 2012, Strasbourg (France), H14.3 (2012).
K. Zilberberg, G. Houssem, A. Behrendt, S. Trost, T. Riedl:
Low temperature sol-gel processing of MoO3 as high work function charge extraction layer in stable and efficient organic solar cells
SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels (Belgium), 8435-17 (2012).
T. Winkler, H. Schmidt, H. Flügge, F. Nikolayzik, I. Baumann, S. Schmale, H.-H. Johannes, T. Rabe, S. Hamwi, T. Riedl and W. Kowalsky:
Realization of ultrathin silver layers in highly conductive and transparent ZTO/Ag/ZTO multilayer electrodes deposited at room temperature for organic devices
Thin Solid Films 520, 4669 (2012).
H. Schmidt, T. Winkler, T. Riedl, I. Baumann, H. Flügge, S. Schmale, H.-H. Johannes, T. Rabe, S. Hamwi, and W. Kowalsky:
Highly transparent and conductive ZTO/Ag/ZTO multilayer top electrodes for large area organic solar cells
Energy Procedia 31, 110 (2012).
M. Fakhri, H. Johann, P. Görrn, and T. Riedl:
Origin of hysteresis in zinc-tin-oxide thin-film transistors
8th Intl. Thin Film Transistor Conf. (ITC 2012), Lisbon (Portugal), S3 (2012).
M. Fakhri, P. Görrn, T. Weimann, P. Hinze, and T. Riedl:
Enhanced stability against bias-stress of metal-oxide thin film transistors deposited at elevated temperatures
Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 123503 (2011).
K.Zilberberg, S. Trost, J. Meyer, A. Kahn, A. Behrendt, D. Lützenkirchen-Hecht, R. Frahm, T. Riedl:
Inverted organic solar cells with sol-gel processed high work-function vanadium oxide hole-extraction layers
Adv. Funct. Mater. 21, 4776 (2011).
S. Hamwi, C. S. Weigel, T. Riedl, W. Kowalsky:
Organic p-i-n Homojunction Device Operated in Reverse-Direction as Visible-Blind Photodiode
MRS Fall Meting, Boston (USA) U13.24 (2011).
T. Rabe, M. Lehnhardt, T. Riedl and W. Kowalsky:
Dynamic of triplet excitons in fluorescent host/guest systems
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) U11.5 (2011).
K. Zilberberg, S. Trost, I. Dumsch, S. Allard, U. Scherf, A. Behrendt, D. Luetzenkirchen-Hecht, R. Frahm and T. Riedl:
Efficiency Enhancement of Inverted Low-Bandgap Polymer Solar Cells
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) H13.39 (2011).
M. Fakhri, P. Görrn, A. Raeupke, T. Weimann, P. Hinze and T. Riedl:
Enhanced Stability of Oxide Thin Film Transistors Deposited at High Temperatures
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) M7.8 (2011).
T. Riedl:
Solution processed transition metal oxides for organic electronic devices
10th Int. Symp. on Funct. π-Electron Systems, Beijing (China) IL-23 (2011).
J. Meyer and T. Riedl:
Low-Temperature Atomic Layer Deposition
in Atomic Layer Deposition of Nanostructured Materials, N. Pinna and M. Knez (eds.), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.
J. Meyer, K. Zilberberg, T. Riedl, and A. Kahn:
Electronic structure of Vanadium pentoxide: An efficient hole injector for organic electronic materials
J. Appl. Phys. 110, 033710 (2011).
H. Schmidt, T. Winkler, I. Baumann, S. Schmale, H. Flügge, H.-H. Johannes, S. Hamwi, T. Rabe, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Indium-free bottom electrodes for inverted organic solar cells with simplified cell architectures
Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 033304 (2011).
S. Hamwi, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
An organic p-i-n homojunction as ultra violet light emitting diode and
visible-blind photodiode in one
Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 053301 (2011).
T. Winkler, H. Schmidt, H. Flügge, F. Nikolayzik, I. Baumann, S. Schmale, T. Weimann, P. Hinze, H.-H. Johannes, T. Rabe, S. Hamwi, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Efficient large area semitransparent organic solar cells based on highly transparent and conductive ZTO/Ag/ZTO multilayer top electrodes
Org. Electron. 12, 1612 (2011).
K.Zilberberg, S. Trost, J. Meyer, A. Kahn, and T. Riedl:
Inverted organic solar cells with sol-gel processed high work-function transition metal oxide hole-extraction layers
E-MRS 2011 Spring Meeting, Nice (France) S11.3 (2011).
H. Schmidt, T. Winkler, T. Riedl, I. Baumann, H. Flügge, S. Schmale, H.-H. Johannes, T. Rabe, S. Hamwi, W. Kowalsky:
Highly transparent and conductive ZTO/Ag/ZTO multilayer top electrodes for large area organic solar cells
E-MRS 2011 Spring Meeting, Nice (France) S14.7 (2011).
K.Zilberberg, S. Trost, H. Schmidt, and T. Riedl
Solution processed V2O5 as high work function charge extraction layers in organic solar cells
MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco (USA) C5.7 (2011).
M. Lehnhardt, T. Riedl, U. Scherf, T. Rabe, and W. Kowalsky:
Spectrally separated optical gain and triplet absorption: towards continuous wave lasing in organic thin film lasers
Org. Electron. 12, 1346 (2011).
K.Zilberberg, S. Trost, H. Schmidt, and T. Riedl:
Solution processed vanadium pentoxide as charge extraction layer for organic solar cells
Adv. Energy Mater. 1, 377 (2011).
P. Görrn, M. Lehnhardt, W. Kowalsky, T. Riedl, and S. Wagner:
Elastically Tunable Self-Organized Organic Lasers
Adv. Mater. 23, 869 (2011).
highlighted in Nature Photonics 5, 128 (2011).
M. Lehnhardt, T. Riedl, T. Rabe, and W. Kowalsky:
Room temperature lifetime of triplet excitons in fluorescent host/guest systems
Org. Electron. 12, 486 (2011).
T. Rabe, S. Döring, N. Hildebrandt, T. Riedl, W. Kowalsky, U. Scherf:
Optical Gain in Foerster Energy Transfer Based Organic Guest-Host-Systems
Mat. Res. Symp. Proc. 1197E, 1 (2010).
H. Flügge, H. Schmidt, T. Riedl, S. Schmale, T. Rabe, J. Fahlbusch, M. Danilov, H. Spieker, J. Schöbel, and W. Kowalsky:
Microwave Annealing of Polymer Solar Cells with Various Transparent Anode Materials
Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 123306 (2010).
J. Meyer, H. Schmidt, W. Kowalsky, T. Riedl and A. Kahn:
The Origin of Low Water Vapor Transmission Rates Through Al2O3/ZrO2 Nanolaminate Gas-Diffusion Barriers Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 243308 (2010).
H. Schmidt, K. Zilberberg, S. Schmale, H. Flügge, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Transient IV-characteristics of inverted polymer solar cells using titaniumoxide interlayers
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 243305 (2010).
T. Riedl, T. Winkler, H. Schmidt, J. Meyer, D. Schneidenbach, H.-H. Johannes, W. Kowalsky, T. Weimann, and P. Hinze:
Reliability aspects of organic light emitting diodes
IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, Anaheim (USA), pp. 327-333 (2010).
T. Riedl, J. Meyer, H. Schmidt, T. Winkler, W. Kowalsky:
Thin Film Encapsulation of Top-Emitting OLEDs Using Atomic Layer Deposition
OSA Solid-State and Organic Lighting (SOLED), Karlsruhe (Germany), SOWB5 (2010).
T. Riedl:
Transparent OLED Displays
in Transparent Electronics - From Synthesis to Applications, A. Facchetti and T. Marks (eds.), J. Wiley & Sons, pp 299-324, (2010).
J. Meyer, M. Kröger, S. Hamwi, F. Gnam, T. Riedl, W. Kowalsky, and A. Kahn:
Charge Generation Layers Comprising Transition Metal-Oxide/Organic Interfaces: Electronic Structure and Charge Generation Mechanism
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 193302 (2010).
M. Lehnhardt, T. Riedl, T. Weimann, and W. Kowalsky:
The impact of triplet absorption and triplet-singlet annihilation on the dynamics of optically pumped organic solid state lasers
Phys. Rev. B 81, 165206 (2010).
S. Hamwi, J. Meyer, M. Kröger, T. Winkler, M. Witte, T. Riedl, A. Kahn, and W. Kowalsky:
The role of transition metal oxides in charge generation layers for stacked organic light emitting diodes
Adv. Funct. Mater. 20, 1762 (2010).
M. Lehnhardt, S. Hamwi, M. Hoping, J. Reinker, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Charge carrier densities in chemically doped organic semiconductors verified by two independent techniques
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 193301 (2010).
T. Riedl, P. Görrn, and W. Kowalsky:
Transparent Electronics for See-Through AMOLED Displays
IEEE/OSA J. Displ. Technol. 5, 810 (2009).
M. Kroeger, S. Hamwi, J. Meyer, T. Riedl, W. Kowalsky, and A. Kahn:
Role of the deep-lying electronic states of MoO3 in the enhancement of hole-injection in organic thin films
Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 123301 (2009).
H. Schmidt, H. Flügge, T. Winkler, T. Bülow, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Efficient semi-transparent inverted organic solar cells with indium tin oxide top electrode
Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 243302 (2009).
S. Hamwi, J. Meyer, T. Winkler, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
P-type doping efficiency of MoO3 in organic hole transport materials
Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 253307 (2009).
J. Meyer, D. Schneidenbach, T. Winkler, S. Hamwi, T. Weimann, P. Hinze, S. Ammermann, H.-H. Johannes, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Reliable Thin Film Encapsulation for Organic Light Emitting Diodes grown by Low-Temperature Atomic Layer Deposition
Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 233305 (2009).
D. Schneidenbach, J. Meyer, P. Görrn, S. Hamwi, T. Winkler, S. Ammermann, T. Riedl, H.-H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky
Transparent OLED Displays: Technology Development (Invited)
Proceedings of the 29th International Display Research Conference, EURODISPLAY 2009, Rome, Italy, p.154-157 (2009).
T. Riedl, J. Meyer, T. Winkler, D. Schneidenbach, P. Görrn, H.-H. Johannes, W. Kowalsky:
Functional nanolaminate structures for organic optoelectronics (Invited)
9th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, Monterey, USA, p. 121 (2009).
H. Schmidt, T. Winkler, M. Tilgner, H. Flügge, S. Schmale, T. Bülow, J. Meyer, T. Riedl, H.-H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
Semi-transparent inverted organic solar cells
Proc. SPIE 7416, 741633 (2009).
S. Hamwi, J. Meyer, S. Schmale, T. Winkler, H.-H. Johannes, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Light Emitting Organic p-i-n Homo Diodes Based on Chemically Doped Wide Band Gap Materials
International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies ICMAT 2009, Singapore, Symposium N, p. 43 (2009).
P. Görrn, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Thin-Film Encapsulation of Oxide Based Thin Film Transistors
51st Electronic Materials Conference, Pennsylvania (USA), K9 (2009).
M. Kroeger, S. Hamwi, J. Meyer, T. Riedl, W. Kowalsky, and A. Kahn:
Controlled p-Doping of Organic Wide Band Gap Materials with Molybdenum Trioxide
51st Electronic Materials Conference, Pennsylvania (USA), GG2 (2009).
P. Görrn, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Encapsulation of Zinc Tin Oxide based Thin Film Transistors
J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 11126 (2009).
J. Meyer, D. Schneidenbach, P. Görrn, F. Bertram, T. Winkler, S. Hamwi, H.-H. Johannes, T. Riedl, W. Kowalsky, P. Hinze, and T. Weimann:
Highly-Efficient Gas Diffusion Barriers Based on Nanolaminates Prepared by Low-Temperature ALD
SID Digest of Technical Papers 40, 1706 (2009).
M. Kröger, S. Hamwi, J. Meyer, T. Riedl, W. Kowalsky, and A. Kahn:
P-type doping of organic wide band gap materials by transition metal oxides: a case-study on Molybdenum trioxide
Org. Electron. 10, 932 (2009).
T. Rabe, P. Görrn, M. Lehnhardt, M. Tilgner, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Highly sensitive determination of the polaron related optical absorption in organic charge transport materials
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 137401 (2009).
J. Meyer, P. Görrn, F. Bertram, S. Hamwi, T. Winkler, H.-H. Johannes, T. Weimann, P. Hinze, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Al2O3/ZrO2 nanolaminates as ultra-high gas diffusion barriers - a strategy for reliable encapsulation of organic electronics
Adv. Mater. 21, 1845 (2009).
J. Meyer, S. Hamwi, S. Schmale, T. Winkler, H.-H. Johannes, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
A strategy towards p-type doping of organic materials with HOMO levels beyond 6 eV using tungsten oxide
J. Mater. Chem. 19, 702 (2009).
P. Görrn, F. Ghaffari, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Zinc Tin Oxide Based Driver for Highly Transparent Active Matrix OLED Displays
Solid State Electron. 53, 329 (2009).
J. Meyer, P. Görrn, S. Hamwi, H.-H. Johannes, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Indium-free transparent Organic Light Emitting Diodes with Al doped ZnO electrodes grown by atomic layer and pulsed laser deposition
Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 073308 (2008).
J. Meyer, T. Winkler, S. Hamwi, S. Schmale, H.-H. Johannes, T. Weimann, P. Hinze, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Transparent Inverted OLEDs with Tungsten Oxide Buffer Layer
Adv. Mater. 20, 3839 (2008).
J. Meyer, S. Schmale, S. Hamwi, T. Winkler, H.-H. Johannes, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Electrochemical p-Type Doping of Organic Hole Transport Materials with Deep Lying HOMO Levels
14th International Workshop on Inorganic and Organic Electroluminescence, Rome (Italy), p. 49 (2008).
S. Mozer, M. Lehnhardt, M. Hoping, T. Riedl, H.-H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
Flash Evaporation of Aluminum Electrodes for Organic Devices
14th International Workshop on Inorganic and Organic Electroluminescence, Rome (Italy), p. 467 (2008).
T. Riedl, P. Görrn, F. Ghaffari-Ashtiani, and W. Kowalsky:
Transparent Thin Film Transistors as Pixel Drivers for Transparent Active Matrix OLED Displays
14th International Workshop on Inorganic and Organic Electroluminescence, Rome (Italy), p. 53 (2008).
T. Riedl, M. Lehnhardt, T. Rabe, P. Görrn, and W. Kowalsky:
Organic Solid State Lasers (invited)
7th International Conference on Electroluminescence of Molecular Materials and Related Phenomena, Dresden, IL 14-1 (2008).
S. Mozer, D. Schneidenbach, H. Blei, M. Lehnhardt, T. Riedl, M. Hoping, H-H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
Characterization and optimization of the deposition process of aluminum top electrodes for organic devices
SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 7051, 70510A (2008).
M. Hoping, C. Schildknecht, H. Gargouri, T. Riedl, M. Tilgner, H.-H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
Charge injecting layers for admittance spectroscopy (invited)
SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 7051, 70511D (2008).
M. Hoping, C. Schildknecht, H. Gargouri, T. Riedl, M. Tilgner, H.-H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
Transition metal oxides as charge injecting layer for admittance spectroscopy
Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 213306 (2008).
T. Riedl, H.-H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
Transparente OLED Displays
in Jahrbuch 2008 Optik und Feinmechanik p.29-41 (2008).
P. Görrn, M. Lehnhardt, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
The Influence of Visible Light on Transparent Zinc-Tin-Oxide Thin Film Transistors
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 193504 (2007).
J. Meyer, S. Hamwi, T. Bülow, H.-H. Johannes, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Highly Efficient Simplified Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 113506 (2007).
T. Riedl, P. Görrn, P. Hölzer, and W. Kowalsky:
Ultra-high long-term stability of oxide-TTFTs under current stress
phys. stat. sol. (RRL) 1, 175 (2007).
A. Janssen, T. Riedl, S. Hamwi, H.-H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
Highly efficient organic tandem solar cells using an improved connecting architecture
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 073519 (2007).
T. Riedl, T. Rabe, P. Görrn, J. Wang, T. Weinmann, P. Hinze, F. Galbrecht, U. Scherf, and W. Kowalsky:
Polymer lasers: recent advances (invited)
SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 6655, 66550V (2007).
C. Gärtner, C. Karnutsch, J. Brückner, N. Christ, S. Uebe, U. Lemmer, P. Görrn, T. Rabe, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Loss processes in organic double-heterostructure laser diodes
SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 6655, 66550T (2007).
J. Meyer, T. Winkler, S. Hamwi, S. Schmale, M. Kröger, P. Görrn, H.-H. Johannes, T. Riedl, E. Lang, D. Becker, T. Dobbertin, and W. Kowalsky:
Highly efficient fully transparent inverted OLEDs
SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 6655, 66550L (2007).
T. Rabe, P. Görrn, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Optical gain in Coumarin 545T-doped Tris(8-hydroxy-chinolinato)aluminium thin films
SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 6655, 66551F (2007).
P. Görrn, T. Rabe, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Loss reduction in fully contacted organic laser waveguides using TE2 modes
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 041113 (2007).
M. Kröger, S. Hamwi, J. Meyer, T. Dobbertin, T. Riedl, W. Kowalsky, and H.-H. Johannes:
Temperature-independent field-induced charge separation at doped organic/organic interfaces: Experimental modeling of electrical properties
Phys. Rev. B 75, 235321 (2007).
T. Rabe, S. Hamwi, J. Meyer, P. Görrn, T. Riedl, H.-H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
Suitability of Lithium doped electron injection layers for organic semiconductor lasers
Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 151103 (2007).
P. Görrn, P. Hölzer, T. Riedl, W. Kowalsky, J. Wang, T. Weimann, P. Hinze, and S. Kipp:
Stability of transparent zinc tin oxide transistors under bias stress
Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 063502 (2007).
W. Kowalsky, P. Görrn, J. Meyer, M. Kröger, H.-H. Johannes, and T. Riedl:
See-through OLED displays (invited)
SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 6486, 64860F (2007).
T. Rabe, P. Görrn, J. Meyer, S. Hamwi, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Optical Losses in Injection and Contact Layers for Organic Laser Devices
Frontiers in Optics, 90th OSA Annual Meeting, OPTuB2, Rochester (2006).
P. Görrn, T. Rabe, T. Riedl, W. Kowalsky, F. Galbrecht, and U. Scherf:
Low loss contacts for organic semiconductor lasers
Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 161113 (2006).
T. Rabe, K. Gerlach, T. Riedl, H. H. Johannes, W. Kowalsky, J. Niederhofer, W. Gries, J. Wang, T. Weimann, P. Hinze, F. Galbrecht, and U. Scherf:
Quasi-continuous wave operation of an organic thin-film distributed feedback laser
Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 081115 (2006).
M. Kroeger, M. Hüske, J. Meyer, T. Riedl, H.-H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
High-Resolution Laser-Based Patterning of Oragnic Materials for Full-Color OLED Displays
Proceedings Electroluminescence Conference 2006, Jeju (Korea), TU1-3 (2006).
T. Riedl, T. Rabe, H. H. Johannes, W. Kowalsky, J. Wang, T. Weimann, P. Hinze, B. S. Nehls, T. Farrell, and U. Scherf:
Tunable organic thin-film laser pumped by an inorganic violet diode laser
Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 241116 (2006).
T. Riedl, P. Görrn, J. Meyer, S. Hamwi, H.-H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
First Entirely Transparent OLED Displays (invited)
3rd Intl. Conference on Intelligent Automotive Lighting, Frankfurt (2006).
T. Riedl, J. Meyer, P. Görrn, T. Rabe, H.-H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
Al doped ZnO as transparent top-contact for inverted organic light emitting diodes,
RI-03, E-MRS 2006, Nice (2006).
P. Görrn, M. Sander, J. Meyer, M. Kröger, E. Becker, H.-H. Johannes, W. Kowalsky, and T. Riedl:
Fully Transparent Smart Pixels
RIX-03, E-MRS 2006, Nice (2006).
B. Postels, M. Kreye, H.-H. Wehmann, P. Görrn, T. Riedl, W. Kowalsky, and A. Waag:
Selective growth of ZnO nanorods in aqueous solution
K PIV-11, E-MRS 2006, Nice (2006).
D. Schneider, U. Lemmer, W. Kowalsky, and T. Riedl:
Low threshold organic semiconductor lasers
in “Organic Light-Emitting Devices”, Edited by K. Müllen and U. Scherf, Wiley-VCH (Weinheim), p. 369-395 (2006).
Patrick Görrn, Michelle Sander, Jens Meyer, Michael Kröger, Eike Becker, Hans-Hermann Johannes, Wolfgang Kowalsky, and Thomas Riedl:
Towards See-Through Displays: Fully Transparent Thin-Film Transistors Driving Transparent Organic Light Emitting Diodes
Adv. Mater. 18, 738 (2006).
W. Kowalsky, T. Rabe, D. Schneider, H. H. Johannes, C. Karnutsch, M. Gerken, U. Lemmer, J. Wang, T. Weimann, P. Hinze, and T. Riedl:
Organic Semiconductor Distributed Feedback Lasers (invited)
SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. vol. 6008, p. 194 (2005).
T. Riedl, T. Rabe, D. Schneider, H. H. Johannes, W. Kowalsky, T. Spehr, A. Siebert, T. Fuhrmann-Lieker, J. Salbeck, J. Wang, T. Weimann, and P. Hinze:
Organic Semiconductor Lasers for the UV
Frontiers in Optics, 89th OSA Annual Meeting, SSuA3, Tucson (2005).
T. Spehr, A. Siebert, T. Fuhrmann-Lieker, J. Salbeck, T. Rabe, T. Riedl, H. H. Johannes, W. Kowalsky, J. Wang, T. Weimann, and P. Hinze:
Organic solid-state ultraviolet-lasers based on spiro-terphenyl
Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 161103 (2005).
J. Wang, T. Weimann, P. Hinze, G. Ade, D. Schneider, T. Rabe, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
A continuously tunable organic DFB laser
Microelectron. Eng. 78-79, 364 (2005).
C. Schildknecht, G. Ginev, A. Kammoun, T. Riedl, W. Kowalsky, H. H. Johannes, C. Lennartz, K. Kahle, M. egen, T. Geßner, M. Bold, S. Nord, and P. Erk:
Novel deep-blue emitting phosphorescent emitter
Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. vol. 5937, p. 59370E (2005).
M. Kröger, M. Hüske, T. Dobbertin, J. Meyer, H. Krautwald, T. Riedl, H. H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
A laser induced local transfer for patterning of RGB-OLED-displays
Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. vol. 5940, p. 177 (2005).
D. Schneider, T. Rabe, T. Riedl, T. Dobbertin, M. Kröger, E. Becker, H.-H. Johannes, W. Kowalsky, T. Weimann, J. Wang, and P. Hinze:
Organic solid-state lasers based on sexiphenyl as active chromophore
J. Appl. Phys. 98, 043104 (2005).
R. Parashkov, E. Becker, T. Riedl, H.-H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
Large Area Electronics Using Printing Methods
Proc. of the IEEE 93, 1321 (2005).
Torsten Rabe, Matthias Hoping, Daniel Schneider, Eike Becker, Hans-Hermann Johannes, Wolfgang Kowalsky, Thomas Weimann, Jing Wang, Peter Hinze, Benjamin S. Nehls, Ullrich Scherf,Tony Farrell, and Thomas Riedl:
Threshold reduction in polymer lasers based on poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene) with statistical binaphthyl units
Adv. Funct. Mater. 15, 1188 (2005).
R. Parashkov, E. Becker, T. Riedl, H.-H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
Microcontact Printing as a Versatile Tool for Patterning Organic Field-Effect Transistors
Adv. Mater.17, 1523 (2005).
D. Schneider, T. Rabe, T. Riedl, T. Dobbertin, M. Kröger, E. Becker, H.-H. Johannes, W. Kowalsky, T. Weimann, J. Wang, P. Hinze, A. Gerhard, P. Stössel, H. Vestweber:
An Ultraviolet Organic Thin-Film Solid-State Laser for Biomarker Applications
Adv. Mater. 17, 31 (2005).
R. Parashkov, E. Becker, G. Ginev, T. Riedl, M. Brandes, H.-H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
Organic vertical-channel transistors structured using excimer laser
Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 5751 (2004).
T. Riedl, D. Schneider, T. Rabe, T. Dobbertin, M. Kröger, H.-H. Johannes, W. Kowalsky, T. Weimann, J. Wang, and P. Hinze:
Low threshold DFB lasers based on Spiro-DPVBi as dopand in an all-spiro guest-host system
Proceedings Electroluminescence Conference 2004, Toronto, p. 17 (2004).
D. Schneider, T. Rabe, T. Riedl, T. Dobbertin, M. Kröger, E. Becker, H.-H. Johannes, W. Kowalsky, T. Weimann, J. Wang, and P. Hinze:
Ultrawide tuning range in doped organic solid-state lasers
Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 1886 (2004).
D. Schneider, T. Rabe, T. Riedl, T. Dobbertin, O. Werner, M. Kröger, E. Becker, H.-H. Johannes, W. Kowalsky, T. Weimann, J. Wang, and P. Hinze:
Laser threshold reduction in an all-spiro guest–host system
Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 1659 (2004).
D. Schneider, T. Rabe, T. Riedl, T. Dobbertin, O. Werner, M. Kröger, E. Becker, H.-H. Johannes, W. Kowalsky, T. Weimann, J. Wang, P. Hinze, A. Gerhard, P. Stössel, and H. Vestweber:
Deep blue widely tunable organic solid-state laser based on a spirobifluorene derivative
Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 4693 (2004).
R. Parashkov, E. Becker, G. Ginev, T. Riedl, H.-H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
All-organic thin-film transistors made of poly(3-butylthiophene) semiconducting and various polymeric insulating layers
J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 95, 1594 (2004).
G. Ginev, T. Riedl, R. Parashkov, H-H. Johannes and W. Kowalsky:
Organic-GaAs heterostructure diodes for microwave applications
Appl. Surf. Sci. 234, 22 (2004).
D. Schneider, S. Hartmann, T. Dobbertin, T. Benstem, D. Metzdorf, E. Becker, A. Kammoun, C. Schildknecht, H. Krautwald, H. Johannes, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky:
Laser threshold analysis of first and second order organic solid-state distributed feedback laser
SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. vol. 5214, no.1 p. 310 (2004).
T. Dobbertin, D. Schneider, A. Kammoun, J. Meyer, O. Werner, M. Kröger, T. Riedl, E. Becker, C. Schildknecht, H. H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
Inverted topside-emitting organic light-emitting diodes
SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. vol. 5214, no.1 p. 150 (2004).
T Rabe, D Schneider, T Riedl, T Dobbertin, M Kroeger, E Becker, H-H Johannes, W Kowalsky:
Deep Blue and UV widely-tunable organic solid state laser based on spirobifluorene derivatives
PHOTON 2004 Conference, Glasgow, UK (2004).
H. Krautwald, E. Becker, T. Dobbertin, S. Hartmann, D. Heithecker, H.-H. Johannes, A. Kammoun, D. Metzdorf, T. Riedl, C. Schildknecht, D. Schneider, W. Kowalsky:
Mass-production compatible OLED passive-matrix-display manufacturing.
ITG-Fachber. 183, 247 (2004).
Radoslav Parashkov, Eike Becker, Georgi Ginev, Thomas Riedl, Hans-Hermann Johannes and Wolfgang Kowalsky:
Flexible All-Organic Field-Effect Transistors Fabricated by Electrode-Peeling Transfer
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 43, L130-L132 (2004).
T. Dobbertin, O. Werner, J. Meyer, A. Kammoun, D. Schneider, T. Riedl, E. Becker, H.-H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
Inverted hybrid organic light-emitting device with polyethylene dioxythiophene-polystyrene sulfonate as an anode buffer layer
Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 5071 (2003).
E. Becker, R. Parashkov, G. Ginev, D. Schneider, S. Hartmann, F. Brunetti, T. Dobbertin, D. Metzdorf, T. Riedl, H.-H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
All-organic thin-film transistors patterned by means of selective electropolymerization
Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 4044 (2003).
D. Schneider, S. Hartmann, T. Benstem, T. Dobbertin, D. Heithecker, D. Metzdorf, E. Becker, T. Riedl, H.-H. Johannes, W. Kowalsky, T. Weimann, J. Wang, and P. Hinze:
Wavelength-tunable organic solid-state distributed-feedback laser
Appl. Phys. B 77, 399 (2003).
G Ginev, T Riedl, R Parashkov, H-H Johannes, and W Kowalsky:
Enhanced mixing characteristics of GaAs/3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride Schottky diodes
J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 15, S2611 (2003).
Y. M. Manz, A. Christ, O. G. Schmidt, T. Riedl, and A. Hangleiter:
Optical and structural anisotropy of InP/GaInP quantum dots for laser applications
Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 887 (2003).
T. Riedl, F. Hitzel, A. Hangleiter, S. Miller, A. Weimar, G. Brüderl, A. Lell, and V. Härle:
Revealing the Defect Structure in Laterally Overgrown GaN Stripes Utilizing Photoelectrochemical Etching Techniques
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 42, 3381-3382 (2003).
U. Rossow, N. Riedel, F. Hitzel, T. Riedl, and A. Hangleiter
Lateral growth of AlGaN and GaN on SiC substrates patterned by photo-electrochemical etching
Mat. Res. Symp. Proc. 743, L1.9.1 (2003).
M. Breede, D. Schneider, T. Riedl, E. Becher, T. Dobbertin, S. Hartmann, A. Kammoun, C. Schildknecht,H. Krautwald, H. Johannes, W. Kowalsky:
Optical gain and lasing in organic thin films
ECOER 2003 Conference, London, UK (2003).
Dirk Metzdorf, Eike Becker, Thomas Dobbertin, Soeren Hartmann, Dirk Heithecker, Hans-Hermann Johannes, Anis Kammoun, Henning Krautwald, Thomas Riedl, Christian Schildknecht, Daniel Schneider, and Wolfgang Kowalsky:OLED Matrix-DisplaysMat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 769 H4.2.1 (2003).
R. Parashkov, E. Becker, S. Hartmann, G. Ginev, D. Schneider, H. Krautwald, T. Dobbertin, D. Metzdorf, F. Brunetti, C. Schildknecht, A. Kammoun, M. Brandes, T. Riedl, H.-H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
Vertical channel all-organic thin-film transistors
Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 4579 (2003).
Dirk Heithecker, Anis Kammoun, Thomas Dobbertin, Thomas Riedl, Eike Becker, Dirk Metzdorf, Daniel Schneider, Hans-Hermann Johannes, and Wolfgang Kowalsky:
Low-voltage organic electroluminescence device with an ultrathin, hybrid structure
Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 4178 (2003).
E. Becker, T. Riedl, T. Dobbertin, D. Schneider, D. Heithecker, D. Metzdorf, H. H. Johannes, and W. Kowalsky:
Spatially selective flash sublimation of small organic molecules for organic light-emitting diodes and display applications
Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 2712 (2003).
T. Riedl and A. Hangleiter
Comment on ''Tunnel injection In[sub 0.4]Ga[sub 0.6]As/GaAs quantum dot lasers with 15 GHz modulation bandwidth at room temperature'' [Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 3482 (2002)].
Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 2659 (2002)
T. Riedl, A. Hangleiter, J. Porsche and F. Scholz
Small-signal modulation response of InP/GaInP quantum-dot lasers.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 4015 (2002)
T. Riedl, J. Porsche, F. Scholz and A. Hangleiter
Modulation Dynamics of Red-emitting Quantum Dot Lasers
Poster) 28th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, Tokyo (Japan) (2001)
T. Riedl, J. Porsche, F. Scholz and A. Hangleiter
Red light emitting InP/GaInP quantum dot lasers: How the mechanism of operation influences their performance
(Talk) 43rd Electronic Materials Conference, Notre Dame (USA) (2001)
A. S. Bakin, A. A. Ivanov, D. Piester, T. Riedl, F. Hitzel
H.-H. Wehmann and A. Schlachetzki
Growth of SiC on Si(100) by low pressure MOVPE
(Poster) 3rd European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, Kloster Banz (Germany), (2000) In: Mater. Sci Forum
353-356, p.163-6 (2001)
J. Porsche, M. Ost, F. Scholz, A. Fantini, F. Phillipp, T. Riedl
and A. Hangleiter
Growth of Self-Assembled Quantum Islands for Red-Light-Emitting Injection Lasers
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electronics vol. 6, 482 (2000)
H. Schweizer, J. Wang, U. Griesinger, M. Burkard, J. Porsche
M. Geiger, F. Scholz, T. Riedl and A. Hangleiter
Quantum dot lasers, in Frontiers of Nano-Optoelectronic Systems
ed. by L. Pavesi and E. Buzaneva, Kluwer Academic Publ.
the Netherlands, p. 64-84 (2000)
J. Porsche, M. Ost, T. Riedl, A. Hangleiter and F. Scholz
Lasing from excited states in self-assembled InP/GaInP quantum islands
Mat. Sci. Eng. B 74, 263 (2000)
T. Riedl, E. Fehrenbacher, M. K. Zundel, K. Eberl and A. Hangleiter
Red Light Emitting Injection Lasers with Vertically Aligned InP/GaInP Quantum Dots
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 38, 597 (1999)
P. Raisch, R. Winterhoff, W. Wagner, M. Kessler, H. Schweizer
T. Riedl, R. Wirth and A. Hangleiter
Investigations of the performance of multiquantum barriers in short wavelength (630 nm) AlGaInP laser diodes
Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 2158 (1999)
M. K. Zundel, N. Y. Jin-Phillip, F. Phillip, K. Eberl, T. Riedl
E. Fehrenbacher and A. Hangleiter
Self-assembled InP quantum dots for red LEDs on Si and injection lasers on GaAs
J. Crystal Growth 201/202, 1121 (1999)
T. Riedl, J. Porsche, M. Ost, F. Scholz, M. K. Zundel, K. Eberl
and A. Hangleiter
Red Light Emitting Quantum Dot Lasers: Gain and Emission Characteristics
(Invited talk) COST268 Workshop, Heraklion (Greece) (1999)
T. Riedl, J. Porsche, M. Ost, F. Scholz and A. Hangleiter
Gain and Emission Characteristics of MOVPE grown InP/GaInP Quantum Dot Lasers
(Talk) 41st Electronic Materials Conference, Santa Barbara (USA) (1999)
T. Riedl, E. Fehrenbacher, A. Hangleiter, M. K. Zundel and K. Eberl
Injection lasers with vertically aligned InP/GaInP quantum dots: Dependence of the threshold current on temperature and dot size
Appl. Phys. Lett. 73, 3730 (1998)
M. K. Zundel, N. Y. Jin-Phillip, F. Phillip, K. Eberl, T. Riedl
E. Fehrenbacher and A. Hangleiter
Red-light-emitting injection laser based on InP/GaInP self-assembled quantum dots
Appl. Phys. Lett. 73, 1784 (1998)
K. Eberl, M. K. Zundel, J. Y. Jin-Phillipp, K.v. Klitzing, T. Riedl
E. Fehrenbacher and A. Hangleiter
Red Light Emitting InP/AlGalnP Quantum Dot Laser Diodes
(Invited talk) Semiconductor Science and Technology 98, La Jolla (USA) (1998)
M. K. Zundel, J. Y. Jin-Phillipp, F. Phillipp, T. Riedl, E. Fehrenbacher
A. Hangleiter and K. Eberl
InP Quantum Dots in AlInP/GaInP Short-Period Superlattices for Red-Light-Emitting Injection Lasers
(Talk) 24th Internat. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors, Jerusalem (Israel) (1998)
K. Eberl, M. K. Zundel, J. Y. Jin-Phillipp, F. Phillipp, T. Riedl
E. Fehrenbacher and A. Hangleiter
Preparation of Red Light Emitting Self-Assembling InP/GaInP Quantum Dot Lasers
(Talk) Internat. Conf. Lattice Mismatched and Heterovalent Thin Film Epitaxy, Barga (Italy) (1998)
C. Knorr, T. Riedl, M. Geiger, F. Scholz and A. Hangleiter
Hole transport over heterobarriers in InP based multiple quantum well structures
Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 1323 (1998)
A. Hangleiter, M. Geiger, C. Knorr, P. König, D. Ottenwälder
T. Riedl, F. Scholz, M. Zimmermann, H. Hillmer, F. Steinhagen
and H. Burkhard
Carrier transport in InP-based lasers, modulators, ond optical switching devices
(Talk) 10th International Conference on Nonequilibrium Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors, Berlin (Germany) (1997)
In: Phys. Status Solidi B 204, p. 570-3 (1997)