Kurahashi N., Runkel M., Kreusel C., Schiffer M., Maschwitz T., Kraus T., Brinkmann K.O., Heiderhoff R., Buchmüller M., Schumacher S.O., Brunner J., Rogalla D., Özen S., Lang F., Vaynzof Y., Görrn P., and Riedl T.: Distributed Feedback Lasing in Thermally Imprinted Phase-Stabilized CsPbI3 Thin Films Advanced Functional Materials (2024), 2405976, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202405976 (2024).
Das S.K., Nandi S.K., Marquez C.V., Rúa A., Uenuma M., Puyoo E., Nath S.K., Albertini D., Baboux N., Lu T., Liu Y., Haeger T., Heiderhoff R., and Riedl T., Ratcliff T., Elliman R.G.: "Physical origin of negative differential resistance in V3O5 and its application asa solid-state oscillator" Adv. Mater. (2023), 202208477, DOI: 10.1002/adma.202208477
Hasselmann T., Misimi B., Boysen N., Zanders D., Wree J.-L., Rogalla D., Haeger T., Zimmermann F., Brinkmann K.O., Schädler S., Theirich D., Heiderhoff R., Devi A., and Riedl T.: “Silver thin-film electrodes grown by spatial atomic layer deposition at atmospheric pressure” Adv. Mater. Technol. (2023), 2200796, DOI: 10.1002/admt.202200796
Haeger T., Ketterer M., Heiderhoff R., and Riedl: “Thermal properties of large crystalline CsPbBr3 perovskite thin films: remarkable behavior at phase transitions” presented at the 2021 MRS Fall Meeting, EN05.04.10, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, November 29-December 2, (2021)
Runkel M., Haeger T., Ping H., Bahr J., Merten L., Olthof S., Rogalla D., Hinderhofer A., Heiderhoff R., Schreiber F., Meerholz K., and Riedl T.: “Room-temperature amplified spontaneous emission and lasing of sequentially thermally evaporated CsPbCl3 perovskite thin films” presented at the 2021 MRS Fall Meeting, EN08.02.04, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, November 29-December 2, (2021)
Gomella L., Haeger T., Roscher M., Bishara H., Heiderhoff R., Riedl T., Scheu C., Gault B.: “Microstructure manipulation by laser-surface remelting of a full-Heusler compound to enhance thermoelectric properties” Acta Materialia 223, (2022), 117501, DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117501
Gahlmann T., Tschorn T., Maschwitz T., Gomell L., Haeger T., Grötsch G., Heiderhoff R., Riedl T.:” Bi-facial Color-Tunable Electroluminescent Devices” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c08360
Haeger T., Heiderhoff R., and Riedl T.: “Thermal properties of metal-halide perovskites“ Invited Review J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, 8, 14289 - 14311 DOI: 10.1039/D0TC03754K
Riedl T.J., Haeger T., Runkel M., Pourdavoud N., Heiderhoff R., and Bahr J.: “Room temperature amplified spontaneous emission and lasing in CsPbCl3 spontaneously formed in superlattices of PbCl2/CsCl” presented at SPIE Organic Photonics + Electronics, Proc. SPIE 11473, Organic and Hybrid Light Emitting Materials and Devices XXIV, 1147319 (20 August 2020), DOI: 10.1117/12.2568611
Haeger T., Ketterer M., Bahr J., Pourdavoud N., Runkel M., Heiderhoff R., and Riedl T.:"Thermal properties of CsPbCl3 thin films across phase transitions“ (2020) J. Phys. Mater., DOI: 10.1088/2515-7639/ab749d
Haeger T., Wilmes M., Bahr J., Pourdavoud N., Zaefferer S., Heiderhoff R., Riedl T.: "Thermal properties of highly oriented all-inorganic CsPbX3 (X=Br, Cl) perovskite films: dependence on halide, dimensionality, and crystal-phase” presented at the 2019 MRS Fall Meeting, EN09.15.02, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, December 1-6, (2019)
Mayer A., Pourdavoud N., Haeger T., Heiderhoff R., Leifels M., Rond J., Staabs J., Görrn P., Riedl T., Scheer H.: “Imprint-induced grain growth in perovskite layers”, 45th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering, Rodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes, Greece, September 23rd - 26th, (2019)
Haeger T., Heiderhoff R., and Riedl T.: "Thermal properties of all-inorganic halide perovskites: dependence on dimensionality and crystal-phase”, presented at the 2019 E-MRS Fall Meeting, T.9.1, Warsaw University of Technology, September 16 to 19, Warsaw, Poland (2019)
Pourdavoud N., Haeger T., Mayer A., Cegielski P.J. Giesecke A.-L., Heiderhoff R., Olthof S., Zaefferer S., Shutsko I., Henkel A., Koch-Becker D., Stein M., Cehovsky M., Charfi O., Rogalla D., Lemme M., Koch M., Vaynzof Y., Meerholz K., Kowalsky W., Scheer H.-C., Görrn P., and Riedl T.: ”Room Temperature Stimulated Emission and Lasing in Re-crystallized Cesium Lead Bromide Perovskite Thin Films”, Adv. Mater. (2019), 1903717, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201903717
Mayer A., Pourdavoud N., Staabs J., Rond J., Leifels M., Heiderhoff R., Görrn P., Riedl T., Scheer H.-C.: "Characteristics of thermal imprint with perovskite layers", The 63rd International Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication; May 28 - 31, (2019); Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Haeger T., Wilmes M., Heiderhoff R., and Riedl T: “Simultaneous Mapping of Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Diffusivity, and Volumetric Heat Capacity of Halide Perovskite Thin Films: A Novel Nanoscopic Thermal Measurement Technique”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2019), 10, 3019−3023, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b01053
Haeger T., Wilmes M., Heiderhoff R., and Riedl T.:“ Mapping the low thermal conductivity of lead-halide based perovskite films with high spatial resolution”, presented at the 2018 MRS Fall Meeting, November 25-30, Hynes Convention Center and Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts (2018), Session TP02
Pourdavoud N., Mayer A., Haeger T., Heiderhoff R., Shutsko I., Scheer H.-C., Görrn P., and Riedl T.: “Ultra-smooth perovskite thin films for lasers”, Invited Talk presented at SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego (USA), Proc. SPIE 10724, Physical Chemistry of Semiconductor Materials and Interfaces XVII, 107240C (17 September 2018) doi.org/10.1117/12.2319364
Pourdavoud N., Mayer A., Buchmüller M., Brinkmann K., Haeger T., Hu T., Heiderhoff R., Shutsko I., Görrn P., Chen Y., Scheer H.-C., Riedl T.: “Distributed feedback lasers based on MAPbBr3” Advanced Materials Technologies (2018) DOI: 10.1002/admt.201700253
Heiderhoff R., Haeger T., Pourdavoud N., Hu T., Al-Khafaji M., Mayer A., Chen Y., Scheer H.-C., Riedl T.: "Thermal Conductivity of Methylammonium Lead Halide Perovskite Single Crystals and Thin Films – A Comparative Study" The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2017), DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b11495
Brinkmann K.O., Hu T., Becker T., Pourdavoud N., Zhao J., Heiderhoff R., Gahlmann T., Olthof S., Meerholz K., Toebbens D.M., Cheng B., Chen Y., Riedl T.: “Interface Electronic Structure at the Interface of ALD-Grown SnOx and MAPbI3 in In-Free Perovskite Solar Cells”, presented at the 2017 MRS Fall Meeting, November 26-December 1, Hynes Convention Center and Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts (2017).
Pourdavoud N., Mayer A., Brinkmann K.O., Haeger T., Heiderhoff R., Shutsko I., Görrn P., Peschke I., Scheer H.-C., Riedl T.: “Low-Threshold MAPbBr3 Distributed Feedback Laser Prepared by Direct Thermal Nanoimprint of Resonator Gratings into Perovskite”, presented at the 2017 MRS Fall Meeting, November 26-December 1, Hynes Convention Center and Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts (2017).
Heiderhoff R., Haeger T., Dawada K., and Riedl T.: “SThM of disparate anisotropic heat transports in thin non-crystalline films” presented at the European Materials Research Society Fall Meeting 2017 (E-MRS 2017) 18th-21st September 2017, Warsaw University of Technology - Poland
Pourdavoud N., Wang S., Mayer A., Hu T., Chen Y., Marianovich A., Kowalsky W., Heiderhoff R., Scheer H.-C., Riedl T.: “Low-threshold Distributed Feedback Lasers Prepared By Direct Thermal Nanoimprint Of Resonator Gratings Into Organo-metal Halide Perovskites” Best Student Paper awarded at Photonics @ SG, 31 July - 4 August 2017, Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Singapore
Pourdavoud N., Mayer A., Wang S., Hu T., Zhao J., Brinkmann K., Heiderhoff R., Marianovich A., Kowalsky W., Scheer H.-C., Riedl T.: “Photonic nanopatterns in organo-metal halide perovskites by thermal nanoimprint lithography” Invited Paper presented at SPIE 2017, Physical Chemistry of Semiconductor Materials and Interfaces XVI, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, United States, 6 - 10 August 2017, Paper 10348-31
Heiderhoff R., Haeger T., Dawada K., and Riedl T.: “From diffusive in-plane to ballistic out-of-plane heat transport in thin non-crystalline films” presented at ESREF 2017, 28th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, September 25th -28th, Bordeaux, France, (2017), Microelectronics Reliability,76-77 (2017), 222-226, DOI: 10.1016/j.microrel.2017.06.064
Hu T., Zhao J., Pourdavoud N., Becker T., Brinkmann K., Heiderhoff R., Gahlmann T., Huang Z., Olthof S., Meerholz K., Cheng B., Chen Y., and Riedl T.: „Indium-Free Perovskite Solar Cells Enabled by Impermeable Tin-Oxide Electron Extraction Layers” Advanced Materials (2017), DOI: 10.1002/adma.201606656
Buege M., Koehler T., Heiderhoff R., Papenheim M., Wang S., Schleiting H., Arnold W., Foerst J.R., Seyfarth M., Tiroch K., Riedl T., and Vorpahl M.: “Minor defects of the luminal integrity in arterial introducer eSheaths after transcatheter aortic valve implantation" PLOS ONE (2017), DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0176893
Zhao J. , Brinkmann K., Hu T., Pourdavoud N., Becker T., Gahlmann T., Heiderhoff R., Polywka A., Görrn P., Chen Y., Cheng B., and Riedl T.:"Self-Encapsulating Thermostable and Air-Resilient Semitransparent Perovskite Solar Cells" Adv. Energy Mater., DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201602599
Pourdavoud N., Wang S., Mayer A., Hu T., Chen Y., Heiderhoff R., H.C. Scheer, and Riedl T.: „Photonic nanostructures patterned by thermal nanoimprint directly into organo-metal halide perovskites“ Advanced Materials (2017), DOI: 10.1002/adma.20160500
Brinkmann K., Zhao J., Pourdavoud N., Becker T., Hu T., Olthof S., Meerholz K., Lukas Hoffmann, Gahlmann T., Heiderhoff R., Oszajca M., Luechinger N., Rogalla D., Chen Y., Cheng B., and Riedl T.: “Suppressed decomposition of organo-metal halide perovskites by impermeable electron extraction layers in inverted solar cells” Nature Communications (2017), DOI: 10.1038/ncomms13938, 9pp
Pourdavoud N., Wang S., Mayer A., Hu T., Chen Y., Heiderhoff R., H.C. Scheer, and Riedl T.: „Photonic nanostructures patterned by thermal nanoimprint directly into organo-metal halide perovskites“ presented at 2016 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, 27. November - 2. December, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (2016)
Brinkmann K., Zhao J., Pourdavoud N., Becker T., Hu T., Olthof S., Meerholz K., Lukas Hoffmann, Gahlmann T., Heiderhoff R., Oszajca M., Luechinger N., Rogalla D., Chen Y., Cheng B., and Riedl T.: “Suppressed decomposition of organo-metal halide perovskites by impermeable electron extraction layers in inverted solar cells” Best Poster awarded at 2016 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, 27. November - 2. December, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (2016)
Makris A., Haeger T., Heiderhoff R., and Riedl T.: “From diffusive to ballistic Stefan-Boltzmann heat transport in thin non-crystalline films” RSC Advances (2016), 6, 94193-94199, DOI: 10.1039/c6ra20407d
Behrendt A., Meyer J., van de Weijer P., Gahlmann T., Heiderhoff R., and Riedl T.: “Stress Management in Thin-Film Gas-Permeation Barriers” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2016) DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b11499, 6pp
Büge M., Köhler T., Tiroch M.S.K., Heiderhoff R., Riedl T., Vorpahl M.: “Minor defects of the luminal integrity in arterial introducer eSheaths after transcatheter aortic valve replacement” presented at 82. Jahrestagung der DGK Herz-Kreislauf-Medizin – High-Tech Medizin, Mannheim (Germany) (2016)
Heiderhoff R., Makris A., and Riedl T.: “Thermal microscopy of electronic materials” Invited Review Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Volume 43, (2016) 163–176 doi:10.1016/j.mssp.2015.12.014
Makris A., Haeger T., Heiderhoff R., and Riedl T.: “Diffusive to ballistic dynamic out-of-plane heat transport in thin films” presented at MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) (2015), II2.03
Yuan K., Xu Y.,Uihlein J., Brunklaus G., Shi L., Heiderhoff R., Que M., Chen Y., Scherf U.: “Straightforward generation of pillared, microporous graphene frameworks for use in supercapacitors” Advanced Materials (2015), DOI: 10.1002/adma.201503390, 8 pp
Trost S. , Becker T., Zilberberg K., Behrendt A., Polywka A., Heiderhoff R., Görrn P., and Riedl T.: "Plasmonically sensitized metal-oxide electron extraction layers for organic solar cells" Science Report (2015), DOI: 10.1038/srep07765, 9 pp
Pourdavoud N., Kass K.-J. , Scherf U., Polywka A., Görrn P., Heiderhoff R., and Riedl T.: "Structure formation and light emitting properties of organometal halide perovskites prepared by sequential Deposition" MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) W3.02 (2014).
Heiderhoff R. and Riedl T.: “Thermal Characterization of Thin Films and Devices” Invited Talk presented at ThinFilms2014, The International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & Surface Coatings, Radisson Blu Hotel Chongqing ShaPingBa, Chongqing, China 15-18 July, (2014)
Räupke A., Albrecht F., Behrendt A., Polywka A., Heiderhoff R., Rabe T., Johannes H.-H., Kowalsky W., Maibach J., Mankel E., Mayer T., Görrn P, Riedl T. “Conformal and highly luminescent monolayers of Alq3 prepared by gas phase molecular layer deposition” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, (2013), DOI: 10.1021/am404918g, 7 pp
Heiderhoff R., Li H., and Riedl T.: “Dynamic Near-Field Scanning Thermal Microscopy on thin films” presented at ESREF 2013, 24th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, September 30th - October 4th, Arcachon, France, (2013), Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 53, Iss. 9–11, September–November (2013), 1413–1417
Y.F. Zhang, C.H. Zhang, X.D. Han, Y. Ji, J. Ma, Z. Zhang, R. Heiderhoff: “In situ nanomechanical measurement of Cu nanowires” Proceedings: 20th International Symposium on Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA), (2013), DOI: 10.1109/IPFA.2013.6599219, 4 pp
Zilberberg K., Gasse F., Pagui R., Polywka A., Görrn P., Behrendt A., Trost S., Heiderhoff R., and Riedl T.: “Highly robust Indium-free transparent conductive electrodes based on composites of silver nanowires and conductive metal oxides”; Advanced Functional Materials (2013), DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201303108, 8 pp
Zilberberg K., Gasse F., Behrendt A., Trost S., Heiderhoff R., and Riedl T.: “A hybrid approach for highly conductive and transparent coatings based on composites of silver nanowires and conductive metal oxides”, presented at MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA) F1.05 (2012)
Heiderhoff R.; “Advanced SEM/SPM microscopy”; Invited Paper presented at IPFA 2012, The 19th International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 02-06 July, (2012), IEEE 978-1-4673-0980-6 (2012), DOI: 10.1109/IPFA.2012.6306335, 4 pp
Heiderhoff R. and Balk L.J.; “Scanning Probe Microscopy-History, Background, and State of the Art”; in Handbook of Nanoscopy (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-527-31706-6); edited by Gustaaf Van Tendeloo, Dirk Van Dyck, and Stephen J, Pennycook; Volume 1; Chapter 15; (2012) 499- 538
Fakhri M., Geinzer A.-K., Heiderhoff R., and Balk L.J., “Nanoscale Thermally Induced Strain and Stress Analysis by Complementary Scanning Thermal Microscopy Techniques“, Invited Paper presented at the 18th International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits, Incheon, Korea (South), Jul 4 - 7, (2011), Proceedings of 18th IPFA, IEEE 978-1-4577-0158-0/11/$26.00 (2011) 18
Zhang Y.F., Wang L., Heiderhoff R., Geinzer A.K.,Wei B., Ji Y., Han X.D., Balk L.J., Zhang Z., "Local Thermal Conductivity of Polycrystalline AlN CeramicsMeasured by SThM and Complementary SEM Techniques", Chin. Phys. B Vol. 21, No. 1 (2012) 016501-1-6
Fakhri M., Geinzer A.-K., Heiderhoff. R., and Balk L.J., "Nanoscale Thermally Induced Strain and Stress Analysis by Complementary Scanning Thermal Microscopy Techniques", Best Paper awarded at ESREF 2010, 20th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis , October 11th - 15th, Monte Cassino Abbey and Gaeta, Italy, (2010), Microelectronics Reliability 50 (2010) 1459–1463
Geinzer T., Heiderhoff R., Phang J.C.H. and Balk L.J., "Determination of the Local Electric Field Strength Near Electric Breakdown", presented at IPFA 2010, The 17th International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits, Suntec Singapore, International Convention & Exhibition Centre, Singapore, 05-09 July, (2010), IEEE Catalog Number CFP10777-PRT, (2010), 285-290
Fakhri M., Geinzer A.-K., Heiderhoff. R., and Balk L.J., "Finite Element Assisted Thermally Induced Strain and Stress Analysis", presented at the 5th European Advanced Technology Workshop On Micropackaging and Thermal Management, February 3 & 4, 2010, Mercure Oceanide Vieux Port Sud, La Rochelle, France
Balk L.J., Heiderhoff R., Phang J.C.H., and Ji Y., "Failure Analysis and Reliability Investigations by use of SEM/SPM hybrid-techniques", Keynote Paper presented at the 13th Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis, November 25-28, 2009, Central Garden Hotel, Beijing, China
Heiderhoff R., Geinzer A.-K., Fakhri M., and Balk L.J., "Strain and Stress Analysis with High Spatial Resolution", Invited Paper presented at the 13th Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis, November 25-28, 2009, Central Garden Hotel, Beijing, China
Geinzer T., Heiderhoff R., Phang J.C.H. and Balk L.J., "Determination of the Local Electric Field Strength by Energy Dispersive Photo Emission Microscopy", presented at IRPS 2010 (IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium), May 2-6, 2010, Hyatt Regency Orange County, Anaheim, California, IEEE Proceedings of IRPS 2010, ISBN 978-1-4244-5431-0, 271 -276
Tiedemann A.-K., Kurz K.,. Fakhri M,. Heiderhoff R, Phang J.C.H., and Balk L.J.: "Finite Element Analyses assisted Scanning Joule Expansion Microscopy on Interconnects for Failure Analysis and Reliability Investigations", presented at ESREF 2009, 20th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis , October 5th - 9th, Arcachon, France, (2009), Microelectronics Reliability 49 (2009) 1165 - 1168
Tiedemann A.-K., Fakhri M., Heiderhoff R., Phang J.C.H., and Balk L.J.: "Advanced Dynamic Failure Analysis on Interconnects by Vectorized Scanning Joule Expansion Microscopy", Best Poster awarded at IPFA 2009, The 16th International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou,China, 06-10 July, (2009) IEEE Proceedings of 16th IPFA, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP09777-CDR, (2009), 515-519
Zhang Y.F., Wang L., Ji Y., Han X.D., Zhang Z., Heiderhoff R., Tiedemann A.-K., and Balk L. J., "Thermal Conductivity Studies of a GaN-Sapphire Structure by Combined Scanning Thermal Microscopy and Electron Backscatter Diffraction", presented at IPFA 2009, The 16th International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou,China, 06-10 July, (2009), IEEE Proceedings of 16th IPFA, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP09777-CDR, (2009), 520-522
Tiedemann A.-K., Heiderhoff R., Balk L.J., and J.C.H. Phang, "Electron beam induced temperatureoscillation for qualitative thermal conductivity analysis by an SThM / SEM-hybrid-system", presented at IRPS 2009 (IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium), April 26 - 30, Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 47th Anual International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP09RPS-CDR, (2009), 327-332
Geinzer T., Heiderhoff R., and Balk L.J., "Determination of the electric field distribution within multi-quantum-wells light emitting diodes by the use of electron beam induced methods", presented at IRPS 2009 (IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium), April 26 - 30, Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 47th Anual International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP09RPS-CDR, (2009), 796-800
Maestre D., Cremades A., Gregoratti L., Heiderhoff R., Balk L.J., and Piqueras J., "Electrical properties of nanostructured tin oxide surfaces produced by thermal treatment", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Volume: 9, Issue: 3, (2009), 1772-1777
Siemieniec R., Pugatschow A., Geisssler C., Schulze H.-J., Niedernostheide F.-J. Heiderhoff R., and Balk L.J., "Analysis of power devices breakdown behaviour by ion beam and electron beam induced charge microscopy", presented at ISPS 2008 (9th International Seminar on Power Semiconductors) Prague, Czech Republic, 27-29 August, 2008, IET Digest, Vol. 2008, Issue 2, (2008), 201-207
Pugatschow A., Heiderhoff R., and Balk L.J., "Time resolved determination of electrical field distributions within dynamically biased power devices by spectral EBIC investigations", Invited Paper at IPFA 2008 (15th International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits) Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore, 07-11 July, 2008, IEEE Catalog Number CFP087777-PRT, (2008), 43-44
Pugatschow A., Heiderhoff R., and Balk L.J., "Quantitative determination of electric field strengths within dynamically operated devices using EBIC analysis in the SEM", Invited Paper for Special edition of Scanning: Professor D B Holt (80th birthday), Scanning, The Journal of Scanning Microscopies, Volume 30, Number 4, (2008), 324-330
Altes A., Tilgner R., Tiedemann A.-K., Heiderhoff R., Balk L.J., Menozzi C.: "Analysis of new approaches for diversified scanning thermal 3w probes: problems and potential alternative concepts", presented at Gordon Research Conference: Photoacoustic & Photothermal Phenomena, February 10-15, Crowne Plaza, Ventura, CA, (2008)
Tsami A., Yang X.-H., Galbrecht F., Adamczyk S. Farrell T., Li H., Heiderhoff R., Balk L.J., Neher D., Holder E., "Di(thiophene)quinoxaline donor-acceptor-donor motifs and alternating fluorene-di(thiophene)quinoxaline copolymers via microwave-supported Suzuki cross-coupling reactions", submitted to Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry (2007)
Guoli Tu, Askin Bilge, Sylwia Adamczyk, Michael Forster, Ralf Heiderhoff, Ludwig Josef Balk, David Mühlbacher, Mauro Morana, Markus Koppe, Markus C. Scharber, Stelios A. Choulis, Christoph J. Brabec, Ullrich Scherf: "The Influence of Interchain Branches on Solid State Packing, Hole Mobility and Photovoltaic Properties of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT)", Macromolecules Rapid Communications 28 (2007), DOI:10.1002/marc.200700239
Tsami A., Yang X.-H., Galbrecht F., Farrell T., Li H., Adamczyk S., Heiderhoff R., Balk L.J., Neher D., Holder E., "Random Fluorene Copolymers with On-Chain Quinoxaline Acceptor Units", Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry (2007), 45, 4773-4785
Guoli Tu, Hongbo Li, Michael Forster, Ralf Heiderhoff, Ludwig J. Balk, Reinhard Sigel, Ullrich Scherf : "Amphiphilic Conjugated Block Copolymers: Synthesis and Solvent-Selective Photoluminescence Quenching (p NA)", SMALL 3 (6): Sp. Iss. SI JUN (2007), 1001-1006
Pugatschow A., Heiderhoff R., and Balk L.J., "Time resolved determination of electrical field distributions within dynamically biased power devices by spectral EBIC investigations", Microelectronics Reliability 47 (2007) 1529 - 1533, Best Paper awarded at ESREF 2007 (18th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, Arcachon - France, 8th – 12h October 2007), 2007
Thomas Ch., Heiderhoff R., and Balk L.J.: "200 femtometer sensitivity for near-field analysis of Surface Acoustic Waves in a Scanning Electron / Scanning Probe Microscope hybrid system", Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 144106 (2007) selected for Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology Volume 15, Issue 16, April 23, 2007
Thomas Ch., Heiderhoff R., and Balk L.J.: "Nanoscale acoustic near-field imaging in an SEM/SPM hybrid with sub-picometer sensitivity", presented at ICMAT 2007, (International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies 2007, 1-6 July, 2007, Singapore - Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre), Journal of Scanning Probe Microscopy, Vol. 2, 15–18, 2007
Pugatschow A., Heiderhoff R.,Forster M., Scherf U., and Balk L.J., "EBIC investigations on active polymer devices", presented at IPFA 2007 (The 14th International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits, 11-13 July 2007, Bangalore, India), IPFA 2007 Proceedings, IEEE Catalog Number 07TH8945, ISBN 1-4244-1014-2 (2007), 218-222
Thomas Ch., Heiderhoff R., and Balk L.J.: "200-Femtometer Sensitivity Detecting Surface Acoustic Waves By An SEM/SFM-Hybrid System", presented at Nanomeeting 2007 (22.05.-25.05.2007, Minsk, Belarus), Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures, World Scientific Singapore (2007), 180-183
Shulitski B.G., Labunov V.A., Prudnikava A.L., Balk L.J., and Heiderhoff R.: “Selective Growth of Carbon Nanotube Arrays Synthesized by Injection CVD Method”; presented at Nanomeeting 2007 (22.05.-25.05.2007, Minsk, Belarus), Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures, World Scientific Singapore (2007), 458-462
Balk L.J., Heiderhoff R., Phang J.C.H., Thomas Ch. "Characterization of electronic materials and devices by scanning near-field microscopy", Applied Physics A Special Issue “From Surface Science to Nanoscale Devices” dedicated to Prof. Ibach and Prof. Lüth,online: dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00339-007-3910-3, Appl. Phys. A 87 (2007) no.3, 443–449
Thomas Ch., Heiderhoff R., and Balk L.J.: "Acoustic near-field conditions in an ESEM/AFM hybrid system", presented at ICN+T 2006, International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, from July 30 through August 4, 2006, in Basel, Switzerland; Journal of Physics: Conference Series 61 (2007), 1180–1185 32. Tu G., Li H., Forster M., Heiderhoff R., Balk L.J., Scherf U.: "Conjugated triblock copolymers containing both electron-donor and electron-acceptor blocks", Macromolecules 39 (2006), 4327 – 4331
Pugatschow A., Geinzer T., Heiderhoff R., Niedernostheide F.-J., Schulze H.-J., Wiedenhorst B., and Balk L.J.: "Dynamic Behavior of High-Power Diodes Analyzed by EBIC", presented at ISPSD 2006, 18th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs, June 4 - 8, 2006, Napoli , Italy; Proceedings of The 18th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices &ICs, IEEE Catalog Number 06CH37817, ISBN 1-4244-9714-2, 157 - 160
Pugatschow A., Geinzer T., Heiderhoff R., Niedernostheide F.-J., and Balk L.J..: "Time-resolved and stroboscopic EBIC analyses on dynamically biased active devices", presented at IRPS 2006, 44th International Reliability Physics Symposium, March 26 – 30, 2006, San Jose McEnery Convention Center / Hilton San Jose, San Jose, California, 2006 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, Proceedings 44th Annual, IEEE Catalog No. 06CH37728, ISBN 0-7803-9498-4, 602 - 607
Thomas Ch, Heiderhoff R., and Balk L.J.: "Imaging of Feeroelectric Domains in Barium Titanate using Surface Acoustic Waves in a SEM/SPM Hybrid System", presented at Nanomeetimg 2005 (24-27 May 2005, Minsk, Belarus); Physics, Chemestry and Application of Nanostructures, 2005; World Scientific; (2005); 254 - 257
Balk L.J., Cramer R.M., Heiderhoff R., Phang J.C.H, Sergeev O., TiedemannaA.-K.: "Dedicated Near-Field Microscopies for Electronic Materials and Devices", Plenary Talk at SPIE Europe International Symposium Optical Metrology, June 13 - 15, 2005, Munich, Germany; SPIE proceedings "Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection IV", Vol. 5856, Part One, 1-13
Zmeck M., Balk L.J., Heiderhoff R., Osipowicz T., Watt F., Phang J.C.H., Khambadkone A.M., Niedernostheide F.-J., Schulze H.-J.: "Analysis of E-Field Distributions Within High Power Devices using IBIC microscopy", presented at ISPSD 2005, 17th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices ICs, May 22 - 26, 2005, Fess Parker's Double Tree Resort, Santa Barbara, California, USA; Proc. of the 17th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices & IC's, IEEE Catalog Number 05CH37632, ISBN 0-7803-8889-5, 235-238
Hendarto E., Altes A., Heiderhoff R., Phang J.C.H., and Balk, L.J.: "Investigation on the thermal distribution of nMOSFETs under different operation modes by scanning thermal microscopy", presented at IRPS 2005, International Reliability Physics Symposium, April 17-21, 2005, San Jose Marriott • San Jose, California; 2005 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, Proceedings 43rd Annual, Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2005, ISBN 0-7803-8803-8, 294-299
Altes, A., Balk, L.J., Hartnagel, H.L., Heiderhoff, R., Mutamba, K., Thomas, Ch.: "Nanoscopic Evaluation of Micro-Systems", Invited paper, presented at 16th World Conference on Nondestructive Testing" (WCNDT), 30.8.-3.9.2004, Montreal, Canada 40. Thomas Ch., Joachimsthaler I., Heiderhoff R., and Balk, L.J.: "Electron-beam-induced potentials in semiconductors: calculation and measurement with an SEM/SPM hybrid system", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 37 (2004) 2785–2794
Thomas Ch., Joachimsthaler I., Heiderhoff R., and Balk, L.J.: "Investigation of electron-beam-induced potentials with an SEM/SPM hybrid system", Scanning Vol. 26, 2 (2004) 76-77; presented at Scanning 2004 (27.4.-29.4.2004, Washington D.C., USA)
Heiderhoff R., Altes A., Phang J.C.H., and Balk, L.J.: "Scanning Near-field Thermal Microscopy", Invited Talk presented at Scanning Probe Microscopy-2004 International Workshop (2-6 March 2004 - Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), Journal of Physics of Low Dimensional Structures, 1/2 (2004) pages 63 - 70
Altes A., Heiderhoff R., and Balk L.J.: "Quantitative dynamic near-field microscopy of thermal conductivity", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, volume 37 (2004), issue 6, pages 952 - 963
Yin QR, Li GR, Zeng HR, Liu XX, Heiderhoff R, and Balk LJ.: "Ferroelectric domain structures in (Pb,La)(Zr,Ti)O-3 ceramics observed by scanning force microscopy in acoustic mode", Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing 78 (5) (2003) 699-702
Guo, X., Shen, G.-D., Ji, Y., Wang, G.-H., Du, J.-Y., Gao, G., Zou, D.-S., Balk, L.J., Heiderhoff, R., Lee, T.H., Wang, K.L.: "Thermal property of tunnel-regenerated multi-active-region light-emitting diodes", Applied Physics Letters, Vol.82, no.25, 23 June (2003) 4417-4419
Heiderhoff R., Joachimsthaler I., and Balk L.J.: "A universal SPM-based hybrid system", VDI-Berichte Nr. 1805, VDI Verlag GmbH Düsseldorf 2003, ISBN 3-18-091803-9 (2003) p 311, presented at Nanofair 2003, November 20th and 21st, (2003), Dresden, Germany
Feige V.K.S., Heiderhoff R., and Balk L.J.: "Development of a large area scanning probe microscope with an integrated interference-holographic position measurement system", VDI-Berichte Nr. 1805, VDI Verlag GmbH Düsseldorf 2003, ISBN 3-18-091803-9 (2003) pp. 305-310, presented at Nanofair 2003, November 20th and 21st, (2003), Dresden, Germany
Heiderhoff R., Joachimsthaler I., Altes A., and Balk L.J.: "SEM/SPM hybrid system and its application fields", Invited Talk presented at Nanomeeting-2003, May 20-23, (2003), Minsk, Belarus
Altes A., Mutamba K., Heiderhoff R., Hartnagel H.L., and Balk L.J.: "Scanning Near-field Thermal Microscopy on a Micromachined Thin Membrane", Journal of Superlattices and Microstructures Vol 35/3-6 (2004), pp 465-476; presented at Eurotherm Seminar 75, Micoscale Heat Transfer 2, July 8-10, (2003), Reims, France
Balk L.J. and Heiderhoff R.; "Near-field Cathodoluminescence: Characterization of Optoelectronic Properties at Nanometer Scale", Invited Talk presented at MRS Fall Meeting (December 2-6, 2002, Boston, Massachusetts); paper by Heiderhoff R., Joachimsthaler I., and Balk L.J.; "Application Fields of SEM/SPM Hybridsystems: Nanoscopic EBIC and Near Field CL" MRS Proceedings Volume 738, Editors: D.A. Bonnell, J. Piqueras, A.P. Shreve, F. Zypman (2002) 65 -72
Joachimsthaler I., Heiderhoff R., and Balk L.J.; "A universal scanning-probe-microscope-based hybrid system" Journal of Measurement Science and Technology 14 (2003) 87–96
Nogales E., Joachimsthaler I., Heiderhoff R., Piqueras J., Balk L.J.; "Near-field cathodoluminescence studies on n-doped gallium nitride films" J. Appl Phys 92 (2) Jul 15 (2002) 976-978
Altes A., Joachimsthaler I., Zimmermann G., Heiderhoff R.,and Balk L.J.; "SEM / SThM-Hybrid-System: A new tool for advanced thermal analysis of electronic devices" Proceedings of the 9th Internatinal Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits, IEEE Catalog No.: 02TH8614 (2002) 196-200, Best Paper in the Failure Analysis category at IPFA 2002 the "9th International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits" (8-12 July 2002, Singapore)
Heiderhoff R., Joachimsthaler I., and Balk, L.J.: "Application fields of SEM/SPM hybridsystems" Invited Talk presented at Scanning Probe Microscopy 2002 International Workshop (3-6 March 2002 - Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
Liu X.X., Heiderhoff R., Abicht H.P., and Balk L.J.: "Scanning near-field acoustic study of ferroelectric BaTiO3 ceramics" Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 35 (2002) pp. 74-87 (selected for inclusion in IOP Select Select.iop.org)
Balk L.J. and Heiderhoff R.: "3. Film Characterization Methods: Structure and Composition"; in "Diamond Films Handbook"; Publisher: Marcel Dekker, Inc; Ed.: Asmussen J and Reinhard D.; ISBN: 0-8247-9577-6; 27-54 (2002)
Altes A., Heiderhoff R., and Balk L.J.:"Complementary Surface Investigation of Diamond by Scanning Thermal Microscopy and Scanning Near-Field Cathodoluminescence", Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 16 (6-7) (2002) 895-899, presented at ICMAT 2001 the "International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies" (1 -6 July 2001, Singapore)
Lee T.H., Fiege G.B.M., Altes A., Zimmermann G., Ng V., Heiderhoff R., Phang J.C.H., and Balk L.J.:"Characterization of MOS devices by the use of Scanning Thermal Microscopy", Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis (2001) 191-197, presented at ISTFA 2001 the "27th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis" (11-15 November 2001 - Santa Clara, California, USA)
Liu X. X., Heiderhoff R., Abicht H.P., and Balk L. J.:"Dynamic Characterization of Ferroelectric Domains of BaTiO3 by Scanning Near-Field Acoustic Microscopy", Journal Materials Chemistry and Physics 75 (1-3) (2002) pp. 125 - 130, presented at ICMAT 2001 the "International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies" (1 -6 July 2001, Singapore)
Altes A., Heiderhoff R., Balk L.J., Jentsch H.G., Rosiwal S.M.:"Comparison of Thermal Conductivities on Abraded and Untreated CVD-Diamond obtained by Scamming Thermal Microscopy", Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 16 (6-7) (2002) 922-926, presented at ICMAT 2001 the "International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies" (1 -6 July 2001, Singapore)
Balk L.J. and Heiderhoff R.,"Thin Film Microstructures Characterized by Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniques", Invited Paper at ICMAT 2001 the "International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies" (1 -6 July 2001, Singapore)
Sergeev O. V., Borisenko V. E., Heiderhoff R., Balk L. J.: "Nanostructured TiO2:Tb2O3 Phospor Fabricated by Sol-Gel Method on Porous Anodic Alumina", Physics, Chemestry and Application of Nanostructures, 2001; World Scientific; (2001); 210 - 213; presented at Nanomeetimg 2001 (22-25 May 2001, Minsk, Belarus)
Gaponenko N.V., Sergeev O.V., Stepanova E.A., Parkun V.M., Mudryi A.V., Gnaser H., Misiewicz J., Heiderhoff R., Balk L.J., Thompson J.E.: "Optical and structural characterisation of erbium-doped TiO2 xerogel films processed on porous anodic alumina" ; Journal of The Electrochemical Society 148 (2) H13-H16 (2001)
Heiderhoff R., Palaniappan M., Phang J.C.H., and Balk L.J.:"Correlation of Scanning Thermal Microscopy and Near-field Cathodoluminescence Analyses on a Blue GaN Light Emitting Device", Microelectronics Reliability 40 (2000) 1383 - 1388, presented at the "ESREF 200, 11th European Symposium on Quality and Reliability of Electron Devices" ( 2 October - 6th October 2000, Dresden, Germany)
Heiderhoff R., Cramer R.M., Sergeev O.V., and Balk L.J.: "Near-Field Cathodoluminescence of Nanoscopic Diamond Properties" Diamond and Related Materials 10: (9-10) 1647-1651 Sep-Oct 2001; presented at "ICNDST-7, International Conference on New Diamond Science and Technology" (23 July - 28 July 2000, City University of Hong Kong)
Cramer, R.M., Heiderhoff, R., and Balk, L.J.:"Kathodolumineszenzdetektion im optischen Nahfeld" presented at the EDO 98 (28.-30.9. 1998, Saarbrücken, Germany)
Liu X.X., Heiderhoff R., Abicht H.P., and Balk L.J.,"Characterization of ferroelectric domains by the use of scanning near-field acoustic microscopies", Analytical Sciences Vol. 17 Special Issue 57-60 April (2001), presented at the "11th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena" (25 June - 29 June 2000, University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Japan)
Sergeev O.V., Heiderhoff R., and Balk L.J., "On the use of scanning near-field optical microscope for cathodoluminescent analyses", Proceedings of Belarussian Engineering Academy, Vol. 1, (1999), pp.200-202
Heiderhoff R., Sergeev O.V., Liu Y.Y., Phang J.C.H., and Balk L.J.: "Comparison between Standard and Near-Field Cathodoluminescence" Journal of Crystal Growth 210 (2000) 303-306, presented at DRIP-VIII (Defect Recognition and Image Processing in Semiconductors) September 15-18, 1999, Marroad International Hotel Narita, Japan
Palaniappan M., Fiege G.B.M., Ng V., Heiderhoff R., Phang J.C.H, and Balk L.J.: "Correlation of Electronic and Thermal Properties of Short Channel nMOSFETs" Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis (1999) 465-470, presented at ISTFA 99, 14-18 Nov 1999, Santa Clara, California, USA
Cramer, R.M., Sergeev, O.V., Heiderhoff, R., and Balk, L.J.: "Spectrally Resolved Cathodoluminescence Analyses in the Optical Near-Field"; Journal of Microscopy-Oxford 194: 412-414, Part 2-3 May-Jun (1999), presented at the "5th International Conference on Near-Field Optics and Related Techniques (NFO-5)"(6.-10.12.1998, Shirahama, Japan)
Fiege G.B.M., Altes A., Heiderhoff R., and Balk L.J.: "Quantitative thermal conductivity measurements with nanometre resolution"; J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 32 L13-L17 (1999)
Sergeev O.V., Gaponenko N.V., Parkun V.M., Mudryi A.V., Stepanova E.A., Balk L.J., Heiderhoff R., Gnaser H., Misiewicz J., and Thompson G. E.: "Erbium-doped TiO2 xerogel films processed on porous anodic alumina" Beneluex Metalurgie, vol. 40, pp. 548-552, (2000)
Cramer RM, Heiderhoff R, Balk LJ, "Nanoscopic investigations of diamond properties by scanning probe microscopy techniques" Diamond and Related Materials 8: (8-9)1581-1586 (1999) Invited paper presented at " ICNDST-6,International Conference on New Diamond Science and Technology" (31August - 4September,Pretoria, South Africa)
Gaponenko, N. V.; Sergeev, O. V.; Misiewicz, Jan; Gnaser, H.; Heiderhoff, R.; Cramer, R. M.; Balk, Ludwig J.; Dunbar, A.; Hamilton, B.: "Erbium photoluminescence in sol-gel-derived titanium dioxide films" Proc. SPIE Vol. 3725,(1998) p. 239-242, "International Conference on Solid State Crystals '98: Epilayers and Heterostructures in Optoelectronics and Semiconductor Technology" Antoni Rogalski; Jaroslaw Rutkowski; Eds.
Cramer R.M., Schade W.R., Heiderhoff R., Balk L.J., and Chin R.: "Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy Analyses of Electronic Devices" Microelectron. Reliab. 38 (6-8) (1998), 963-968 Presented at the "ESREF 98, 9th European Symposium on Quality and Reliability of Electron Devices" (5.-9.10.1998, København, Denmark)
Cramer, R.M., Sergeev, O.V., Heiderhoff, R. and Balk, L.J.: "Nanoscopic EBIC and cathodoluminescence analyses on CVD diamond" presented at the "Diamond 1998" (13.-18.8.1998, Crete, Greece)
Cramer R.M., Ebinghaus V., Heiderhoff R., and Balk L.J.: "Near-field detection cathodoluminescence investigations"; Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 31, 1918-1922; (1998), selected as cover page
Ebinghaus, V., Cramer, R.M., Heiderhoff, R. and Balk, L.J.: "Near-field cathodoluminescence investigations on semiconducting materials" SOLID STATE PHENOM 63-4: 257-260 1998, presented at the BIADS 98 (30.8.-3.9. 1998, Schloßhotel Wulkow, Germany)
Cramer, R.M., Heiderhoff, R. and Balk, L.J.: "Scanning near-field cathodoluminescence investigations"; Scanning Vol. 20; (6); 433-435; (1998) presented at the "Scanning 98" (9.-12.5.1998, Baltimore, Maryland, USA)
Balk, L.J., Cramer, R.M., Fiege, G.B.M. und Heiderhoff, R.: "Nanoanalytik elektronischer Bauelemente" Tagungsband "Informations- und Mikrosystemtechnik", 153-159 Eingeladener Hauptvortrag auf der Fachtagung "Informations- und Mikrosystemtechnik" (25.-27.3.1998, Magdeburg, Germany)
Balk, L.J., Heiderhoff, R. and Cramer, R.M.: "Scanning probe microscopical nanocharacterisation of the physical properties of diamond" Invited paper at the "Diamond and Diamond-like Carbon Growth at Low Pressures: Fundamentals to Applications" (17.-19.3.1998, Brighton, UK)
Fiege, G.B.M. , Heiderhoff, R., Maywald, M., Görlich, S., Boit, C. and Balk, L.J.: "Fehleranalyse hochintegrierter Schaltungen mit dem thermischen Rasterkraftmikroskop" Vortrag auf der "ITG FB 8.5 'Fehlermechanismen bei kleinen Geometrien (19.-20..Mai 1998, Bayersoien, Germany)
Heiderhoff R. and Balk, L.J.: "Scanning Probe Microscopy and Related Modifications for Semiconductor Investigations" Eingeladener Hauptvortrag auf der "DRIP VII, 1997 Conference on Defect Recognition and Image Processing in Semiconductors" (7.-10.9.1997, Templin) Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No. 160 (1997) 1-8
Balk, L.J., and Heiderhoff, R.: "Characterization of Diamond by Scanning Electron Microscopy"Invited Paper at the Symposium on " Scanning Probe Microscopies and Related Techniques for the Biological and Material Sciences (part of: 30th Anniversary Scanning Microscopy, and Cells and Materials, 1997 Meeting)(10.-15.5. 1997, Chicago, Illinois, USA)
Heiderhoff R., Koschinski P., Reineke F.J. und Balk L.J.: "Analyse der elektronischen Eigenschaften von Diamant mit Rasterelektronenmikroskop/Rastersondenmikroskop -Hybridsystemen"; Vortrag auf der "ITG FB 8.5 'Fehlermechanismen bei kleinen Geometrien'"; 6-7.May.1997, Parkhotel Bayersoien, Bayersoien
Cramer R.M., Heiderhoff R., Selbeck J., and Balk L.J.:"Advanced scanning near-field optical microscopy of semiconducting materials and devices"; Inst. of Phys. Conf. Ser. No. 157 (1997) 685-688; presented at the "Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials X"; 7-10.April.1997, Oxford, UK
Balk L.J., Heiderhoff R., Koschinski P., Maywald, M.: “Nanoscopic Evaluation of Semiconductor Properties by Scanning Probe Microscopies" Proc. Microelectron. Reliab., Vol. 36, (1996) No. 11/12, pp. 1767-1774, Invited Paper at "ESREF'96,7th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis" (8.-11.10.1996, Enschede, Holland)
Balk L.J., Heiderhoff R., Koschinski P. und Maywald M.; "Rastersondenmikroskopie in der Halbleitertechnik"; Eingeladener Hauptvortrag auf dem "2. Workshop über methodische Entwicklungen und industrielle Anwendungen der Nahfeld-Rastersondentechniken (SXM2)"; 16. - 18.Sep.1996, Wien, Österreich
Heiderhoff R., Cramer R.M. und Balk L.J.; "Nanoscopic EBIC technique in a hybrid SEM/SFM system"; 1996 IEEE international reliability physics proceedings, 34th annual; IEEE Catalog 96CH35825; 366-369; (1996); presented at IRPS 96, 29. Apr.-2.Mai1996, Dallas, Texas
Heiderhoff R. und Balk L.J.; "Characterization of CVD diamond by hybridization of scanning microscopy techniques" Invited Paper at "EURODIAMOND'96, a Workshop on CVD Diamaond and its Applications"; 17. - 20. Jan.1996, Turin, Italien
Heiderhoff R., Cramer R.M. und Balk L.J.; "High resolution electron beam induced current measurements in an SEM-SPM hybrid system by tip induced barriers"; Inst. of Phys. Conf. Ser. 149; 189-194; (1996); presented at "DRIP (Defect Recognition and Image Processing in Semiconductors)"; 3.-6. Dez. 1995, Estes Park, Colorado
Spitzl R., Raiko V., Heiderhoff R., Gnaser H. und Engemann J.; "MPCVD diamond deposition on bias pretreated porous silicon"; Diamond and Related Materials 4; 563-568; (1995)
Heiderhoff R., Koschinski P., Maywald M., Balk L.J. und Bachmann P.K.; "Correlation of the electrical, thermal, and optical properties of CVD-diamond films by scanning microscopy techniques"; Diamond and Related Materials 4; 645-651; (1995); presented at "Diamond Films 94"; 25.-30 Sept. 1994, Il Chiocco, Italien
Spitzl R., Raiko V., Heiderhoff R. und Engemann J.; "Herstellung von Diamantfilmen auf porösem Silizium"; vorgetragen auf der DPG-Tagung in Münster (Dünne Schichten 5.8), März (1994)
Heiderhoff R. und Balk L.J.;"Diamond Luminescence"; Scanning Microscopy Suplement 9; 103-111; (1995) Invited Paper at the "Thirteenth Pfefferkorn Conference on: Luminescence"; 13.-18. Mai 1994, Niagara Falls, Kanada
Heiderhoff R., Spitzl R., Maywald M., Raiko V. Engemann J. und Balk L.J.; "Characterisation of MPCVD-diamond films grown on porous silicon"; Proc. SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering 2151; Diamond-Film Semiconductors; 59-70; (1994)
Mahner E., Heiderhoff R., Minatti N. und Piel H.; "Enhanced Field Emission of Niobium Single Crystals"; Eds. Henke H., Homeyer H. und Petit-Jean-Genaz Ch.; Proc. of the 3rd European Particle Accerator Conf. 2; 1653-1655; (1992)
Mahner E., Heiderhoff R., Minatti N., Müller G., Pupeter N. und Piel H.; "Field emission measurements on niobium cathodes of high purity"; Ed. Proch D.; Proc. of the 5th Workshop on RF Superconductivity; DESY; Hamburg; 694-699; (1991)
Last updated: 12. October 2022