Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Riedl

Herr Christian Tückmantel

Technischer Leiter / Sicherheitsingenieur



U. Kalita, C. Tueckmantel, T. Riedl, and U. Pfeiffer: A Multi-finger GHz Frequency Doubler based on Amorphous Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide Thin Film Transistors
IEEE Access 11, 70668 (2023).

K. O. Brinkmann, T. Becker, F. Zimmermann, C. Kreusel, T. Gahlmann, M. Theisen, T. Haeger, S. Olthof, C. Tückmantel, M. Günster, T. Maschwitz, F. Göbelsmann, C. Koch, D. Hertel, P. Caprioglio, L. Perdigon, A. Al-Ashouri, L. Merten, A. Hinderhofer, L. Gomell, S. Zhang, F. Schreiber, S. Albrecht, K. Meerholz, D. Neher, M. Stolterfoht, and T. Riedl: Perovskite - organic tandem solar cells with indium oxide interconnect
Nature 604, 280 (2022).

C. Tückmantel, U. Kalita, T. Haeger, M. Theisen, U. Pfeiffer, and T. Riedl: Self-Aligned Amorphous Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide TFTs Breaking the GHz Threshold
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (USA), on-site, EQ11.04.03 (2021).

C. Tückmantel, U. Kalita, T. Haeger, M. Theisen, U. Pfeiffer, and T. Riedl: Amorphous Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide TFTs Patterned by Self-Aligned Photolithography Overcoming the GHz Threshold, IEEE Electron Device Lett. DOI: 10.1109/LED.2020.3029956

T. Gahlmann, K. O. Brinkmann, T. Becker, C. Tückmantel, C. Kreusel, F. van gen Hassend, S. Weber, and T. Riedl: Impermeable charge transport layers enable aqueous processing on top of perovskite solar cells, Adv. Energy Mater. 10, 1903897 (2020).

U. Kalita, C. Tückmantel, T. Riedl, and U Pfeiffer: Evaluation of the Beyond-fT Operation of an IGZO TFT-Based RF Self-Mixing Circuit, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Lett. 29, 119 (2019).

K. O. Brinkmann, T. Gahlmann, J. He, C. Tückmantel, M. Theisen, T. Becker, J. Bahr, J. Song, J. Qu, and T. Riedl: Intrinsic ALD Barriers Enable Processing on Top of Perovskite Solar Cells from Environmentally Friendly Solvents, Proceedings of nanoGe Fall Meeting 19 (NGFM19), Berlin (Germany) (2019).

T. Gahlmann, K. O. Brinkmann, C. Tückmantel, T. Becker, J. He, J. Bahr, C. Kreusel, and T. Riedl: Aqueous processing of Ag-nanowire electrodes on top of semi-transparent perovskite solar cells, SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego (USA), 110940D (2019).

I. Shutsko, A. Polywka, C. Tückmantel, and P. Görrn: Light Controlled Assembly of Silver Nanoparticles, NANOP International Conference, Rome (Italy), OS1b-1 (2018).

I. Shutsko, M. Meudt, A. Polywka, C. Tückmantel, and P. Görrn: Large Area Optics with Silver Nanoparticles, NANOP International Conference, Rome (Italy), OS3a-1 (2018).

U. Kalita, C. Tückmantel, P. Hilger, T. Schulz, T. Riedl, U. Pfeiffer: RF Characterization and De-Embedding of Parasitic Device Interconnects in a Metal-Oxide TFT Technology, European Microwave Week 2018, Madrid (Spain), EuMC37-5 (2018).

T. Meister, C. Tückmantel, M. Theisen, U. Pfeiffer, T. Riedl, et al.: Program FFlexCom - High frequency flexible bendable electronics for wireless communication systems, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Antennas, Communications and Electronic Systems (COMCAS) DOI: 10.1109/COMCAS.2017.8244733.

A. Polywka, C. Tückmantel, P. Görrn: Light controlled assembly of silver nanoparticles, Sci. Rep. 7, 45144 (2017).